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[10-15 23:13:07]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9767

【摘要】教案是整个课程的大纲,使得学生更有逻辑的调理的理解其讲课内容。www.xiaozhibei.com高二英语教案栏目小编也特意为您编辑了此文:"高二英语下学期教案:Unit 4教案"祝您浏览愉快。

本文题目:高二英语下学期教案:Unit 4教案



1.向某人敬酒 2.把某物捐给某人

3.在困难中;在危急中 4.经济保障

5.为某人动手术 6.如果……将会怎样?

7.从……选择 8.成人教育

9.保健服务 10.挨饿

11.偶遇 12.关心;照顾


1.If you are lookingfor more ,you may want to try car racing.

A.excitement B.basement C.approval D.fiction

2.It is to find your lessons difficult sometimes;so it with everybody.

A.urgent B.illegal C.embarrassed D.normal

3.You be able to serve the people well in the fututure

you work hard at your lessons .

A.won’t ;if B.will;unless C.will;if D.won’t;unless

4.Tom as well as his parents going to Japan next week.

A.are B.is C.will D.was

5.Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?

You should try the barber’s I go. It’s only 15.

A.as B.which C.where D.that

6.Could I have a word with you,mum?

Oh,dear,if you .

A.can B.may C.must D.should

7.The criminal,as well as some people,was arrested by the police yesterday.

A.relevant B.skilled C.released D.lucky

8.The plan has to be to meet the real situation.

A.adjusted B.adapted C.producted D.refunded

9.The man I yesterday in the street is my manager.

A.paid a visit B.had a talk C.met D.dropped

10.Why didn’t she ask for help at that time?

You know ,at such a late ,there was no one .

A.she could turn to B.for whom to turn C.who to turn to D.for her to turn

11.Do you remember the chicken farm we visited three months ago?

A.where B.when C.that D.what

12.A live program on TV is calling on people to money or some other things to the people who have suffered from the flood in Henan Province.

A.donate B.lend C.put D.pay

13.I was about to go to bed one of my old classmates made a call to me .

A.when B.as C.while D.that

14.With the guide the way, we finally got to the village which we wereking for .

A.led B.leading C.to lead D.had led

15.The reason at the meeting for being late was not reasonable .

A.why he gave B.what he gave C.he gave D.on which he gave


1.他很快就适应了那儿的生活方式,从此幸福地生活着。(adjust to)





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