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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9854




Ⅰ. 词汇学习

四会单词和词组:broad , circle , in space , pull ( n .) , carry out , question (vt .)

三会单词和词组:so / as far as , personally , exhibition , camera , fold , unfold , connect , object , direction , position , organization , dozen , dozens of , dust , dusty , height , pilot , balloon , mention , model , length , attempt , globe

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Getting Or Expressing Opinions (征求或者表达意见)

1. What do you feel like doing ? I feel like …

2. Personally , I’d rather (not) + 原形动词 / I’m ready to do 很乐意干……

3. What would you like to do ? I’d like to …

4. — What do you plan to do ?

— I’m planning to do… / I want ( intend , wish , plan ) to do …

5. — Have you decided to do …?

— I’ve not decided what / where to do …

6. What do you think of … ? / What is your opinion of … ? / How do you like … ?

7. Tell us what you think about … / We’d like to have your views about …

8. Any suggestions you have will be most welcome .

9. It’s quite likely that …

10. It doesn’t seem possible that …

Ⅲ. 语法学习

复习定语从句的用法。特别注意 that 和 which 的区别。哪些情况下常用 which ,哪些情况下常用 that 。



1. personally 就自己而言;个人;本人

Personally I don’t care to make some changes in my plans .

〖点拨〗personally 相当于 in one’s opinion 。

2. exhibition 展览;展览会

A great number of new machines are on show at the exhibition held last week .

〖点拨〗注意 exhibition 的发音。hold / have / give an exhibition of …举办……展览会。

3. broad 宽的;宽大的

This piece of cloth is 5 metres broad .

〖点拨〗指肩、额头、胸脯、幅面、背的宽常用 broad 。指口、眼、路等的宽常用 wide 。如:He has a broad mind . 他有宽阔的胸怀。He lay there , with his eyes wide open .

另外注意拼写broad 时不要写成 abroad (在国外) , aboard (上船) ,board (木版)。

4. object 物;物体

We saw a bright object moving in the sky .

〖点拨〗object 作动词是“反对”,常用词组:object to doing 反对干……。如:He objects to being sent to the village .

5. direction 方向;方位

East , west , south , and north are directions .

〖点拨〗in the direction of 朝……方向运动。in all directions =in every direction 各个方面;朝四面八方。under the direction of 在……的指导下。如:Miss Gao walked in the direction of the library .

另外,direction 作“指示,用法,说明”时常用复数形式。如:directions for use 用法说明,Full directions inside . 内附详细说明。

6. dozen 打;十二个

Pencils here are sold by the dozen . 这里的铅笔论打出售。

〖点拨〗dozens of 几十。当 dozen 的前面有数词时,dozen 最好用单数。如:I want two dozen eggs .

7. height 高;高度

The Party calls on us to climb the heights of science and technology . 党号召我们攀登科学技术高峰。

〖点拨〗in height 从高度上看。What’s the height of …? ……的高度是多少 ?如:The building is 40 metres in height . =The building is 40 metres high .=That’s a 40-meter-high building .

8. mention 提到;说起

Did you mention this to your parents ?

〖点拨〗As mentioned above .如上所述。Don’t mention it . (答复别人道谢时的用语) 不必客气。Not to mention =without mentioning 更不必说。

9. length 长;长度;一段

What’s the length of the Yellow River ?

〖点拨〗注意 length 的发音。in length 从长度上看。如:The road is 5,000 metres in length . a length of pipe 一节管子。It was said that this kind of medicine could increase the length of life .

10. attempt 试图;尝试

They attempted to raise money for a new building .

〖点拨〗attempt 不强调成功性,而try 暗示可能有成功性。attempt to do =try to do =do one’s best to do 尽力干…… 。make an attempt to do =make an attempt at doing 试图干……。


1. get in 进去,进来;收进来;收庄稼

Please hold the car door open for the old lady while she gets in .

The farmers are busy in getting (in) the crops .

2. have got sth in 有某种活动;有……在进行

They have got a special exhibition on this month . 这个月他们要举办一个特别展览。

Have you anything important on this evening ?

I’ve got nothing on tonight , shall we go to a cinema .

I’ve a meeting on tomorrow afternoon .

注意:on 为副词,该词组等于 have sth on , 还表示“穿着”的意思,但不用进行时,如:She had on her best red dress . 她穿着那件最漂亮的红色连衣裙。

3. do a study of =make a study of 研究

She has done a study of the danger of smoking .

I’m planning to do a special study of satellites next term .

4. send back (to) 发送(到),发回(到);退货

What can satellites send back to the earth ?

They make a study of the information sent back to earth from weather satellites .

You can send back the computer back to the shop if you are not satisfied .

5. in space在太空,在宇宙空间

A satellite travels in an orbit round another object in space .

I hope I’ll be able to walk in space some day .


The earth moves through space .

From space , the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe .

6. fall back (to) 落回(到);退回(到)

If the rocket does not reach its speed , it will fall back to the earth .

I’m sure the price of TV sets will fall back .

7. send up 发射;使上涨

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