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高二英语必修七教案:Unit 5教案

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9828

【摘要】教案是整个课程的大纲,使得学生更有逻辑的调理的理解其讲课内容。www.xiaozhibei.com高二英语教案栏目小编也特意为您编辑了此文:"高二英语必修七教案:Unit 5教案"祝您浏览愉快。

本文题目:高二英语必修七教案:Unit 5教案



1. an official document or mark in your passport that allows you to enter a country for a period of time

2. quality that you need in order to do a particular job

3. advise ; to say somebody or something is good and worth doing , having or experiencing

4. something that is used instead of something else ; to use something new instead of what is normally used

5. something such as a plan ,letter , or drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished

6. to say the opposite of what someone has said is true

7. a large or important project , especially new or different ; a business company or organization

8. existing or available in large quantities

9. quite impossible

10. the place where someone or something is going


1. n. 资格,条件 v. (使)具有资格

adj. 合格的;胜任的

2. n. 准备,预备 v. 准备,预备


3. adj.舒适的 n. 安慰

v. 安慰,使(痛苦等)缓和 adv.舒适地

4. n. 代替者;代用品 vt. 用…… 替代……

5. vt. 需要;要求 n. 需要;要求;必要条件

6. v. 统治,支配,管理 n. 政府


7.(1)As economy develops , teachers are in urgent need in this district.(qualification)

( 2 ) _ Are you sure he is to drive a car ?

_ Yes. He got his driving before he was as a teacher.( qualification)

8.(1) It is a pity that the prime minister seems ill for the news conference.(preparation)

(2 ) Every family is busy for the Spring Festival for there are lots of

to do . (preparation)

9. (1) There is plenty of room to lie down and sleep in . (comfort)

(2 ) Hard as life is , her children have been a great to the hard-working mother.


(3) Just make yourself and I’ll be back in a minute. (comfort)

10. (1) We couldn’t get cream, so we used yogurt as a (substitute)

(2) Instead of using silicon ,they have a more flexible material. (substitute)

11. (1) The cause of the accident is still unclear and further investigation.(require)

(2) Applicants must satisfy the for admission to the university. (require)

12 (1) It is high time that the took some effective measures to deal with the situation. (govern)

(2) This law will take power away from the central and give it to the local authorities. (govern)

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