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高二英语第二十一单元Music (音乐)

[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9677

The watch being repaired now is hers . (被动关系,正在进行的动作)

He is an English teacher liked by all his students . (表被动关系)

Japan is a developed country . (表完成,表被动)

※ 心理反应状态动词,如:excite , fright , move , tire , interest , puzzle , disappoint 等,同现在分词作定语,表示“令人……”,被修饰的词通常是物,用过去分词作定语,被修饰的词通常是人。例如:

What disappointing news it is!

Don\'t make fun of the frightened child .

注意:puzzling expression “令人迷惑的表情”;puzzled expression (本身)迷惑的表情。

※ 下列情况下常用不定式作定语。

1 . 在被修饰的词前有形容词最高级、序数词以及 the last , the only , the next 等后作定语的时候,只能用不定式作定语。例如:

He is always the first to come .

The next man to come was Tom .

This is the largest ship to be serving as a seaside hotel in our country .

2 . have +宾语的句型中,常用不定式作定语。例如:

I have a lot of questions to ask .

He has nothing to worry about .

3 . 在 way , pleasure , chance , plan 等名词后常用不定式或 of +动名词,但在 ability , failure , promise 后只能用不定式。例如:

I had no chance to speak (或 of speaking) to him .

His failure to pass the exam surprised us .

4 . 表示未来的动作。例如:

He has two letters to write .

5 . 与被修饰的词有同位、动状关系的通常只能用不定式作定语。例如:

I have the ability to speak a foreign language . (同位关系)

I\'m not sure which restaurant to eat at .

A good place to eat at is the Peace Restaurant .




1 . 汤姆吃完早饭急急忙忙去上学。

[误]After breakfast Tom was hurrying to go to school .

[正]After breakfast Tom was hurrying to school .

[析]hurry(=move quickly)本身含有“走”之意,后面不可再接go, walk , run之类的动词,但可接动词不定式或名词。 例如:We have to hurry away to catch the bus . She hurried to the station .

2 . 我们应当全心全意为人民服务。

[误]We should serve for the people heart and soul .

[正]We should serve the people heart and soul .

[正]We should work for the people heart and soul .

[析]serve本身有“work for(为……服务)”之意。作及物动词用时, 后面不可再接介词for。

3 . 战争结束以后,她成了一名教师。

[误]After the end of the war, she became a teacher .

[正]After the war, she became a teacher .


4 . 只要校长一回来,我就立刻告诉你。

[误]As soon as the president returns, I will let you know at once .

[正]As soon as the president returns, I will let you know .

[析]as soon as有“立刻”之意,从句中用了as soon as,主句中就不能再用at once, immediately, right away, right now之类的词了。

5 . 这是一部极好的词典。

[误]This is a very excellent dictionary .

[正]This is an excellent dictionary .

[析]excellent, wonderful等词含有“极好的(extremely good)”之意,不能用very修饰。再如:This is a wonderful film .

6 . 大家都非常喜欢这个小男孩。

[误]Everyone all likes the little boy very much .

[正]Everyone likes the little boy very much .

[析]everyone有“每个人,大家”的意思,用了everyone或everybody, 不就必再用all了。


[误]The name of the boy is called Yang yang .

[正]The name of the boy is Yang yang .

[析]name与be called不能同时使用,因为name与be called在语义上是重复的。我们通常说:My name is Li Biao . 但不能说:My name is called Li Biao .

8 . 踢足球是我最喜爱的运动。

[误]Playing football is my most favourite sport .

[正]Playing football is my favourite sport .

[析]favourite本身有“最喜爱(like best)”之意,前面不必再用most修饰了。如:My favourite hobby is collecting stamps .

9 . 如果你知道这个答案,就举手。

[误]Raise your hand up if you know the answer .

[正]Raise your hand if you know the answer .

[正]Put your hand if you know the answer .

[析]raise有“举起”之意,后面不必再加up,它与put up同义。

10 . 请把这个句子再重复一遍。

[误]Please repeat the sentence again .

[正]Please repeat the sentence .

[正]Please say the sentence again .

[析]repeat本身有“say or do sth . again”之意,用了repeat,就不必再用again了,但可说:Say it again .

11 . 你们应当把试卷保管好。

[误]You should take good care of your papers carefully .

[正]You should take good care of your papers .

[析] take good care of 有“认真保管好”之意, 后面不要再用副词carefully .

12 . 你喜欢喝茶还是喜欢咖啡?

[误]Which do you prefer more, tea or coffee?

[正]Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

[正]Which do you like better, tea or coffee?

[析]prefer本身有“较喜欢(like better)”之意,如果句中用了prefer, 一般不再用more了。




Speaker : Prof . J . M . Collins .

Subject : Modern Methods of English teaching

Time : July 8 , 1997 , at 2 : 00 p . m .

Place : Lecture Hall 2 English Department Office



Dear Classmates ,

May I have your attention , please! I have an announcement to make . Our department office has put up a notice on the bulletin board . The notice tells us that Professor J . M . Collins will give a lecture on Modern Methods of English - teaching . It will be held at 2 : 00 this afternoon on July 8 , 1998 in Lecture Hall 2 . The lecture is of great help to us . I\'m sure we can learn a lot from it . Everyone is expected to attend the lecture . Don\'t miss the good chance . Please get there a little earlier .

That\'s all . Thank you!

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语教案
