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高二英语教案Saving the earth

[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9737

2. Learn how to write a writing whose structure is formed with some facts and their possible logical reasons .

Step I Warm - up

1. T show a picture of Tiger or movie clips of Northeastern Tiger in Northeast. Ask them some questions as follows:

(1)    What are these? (2) Where can you find them? (3) Do you think it is good for them to be in the cage of the zoo? (4) Do you like the tigers in the circus?

2.Write the following words on the Bb,

FACTS: (5-10 million, one per one year, one per one day, 1/2 million )

REASONS: first, second.

EXAMPLE: tigers

StepⅡ. Listening and Reading

1. Listen and read aloud the text after the tape. Pay attention to intonation and pronunciation. Ask Ss to try to find the answers or key words for the topics on the Bb.

2. Check the Ss the reading ability.

Ask students some questions about the text (Exe 1 on Page115)

Ask the students to give the matching words or phrases to the topics on the Bb. And ask one student to retell the text “Animals in danger” with the help of the info on the Bb.

3. Deal with the other text on Page 53. Ask Ss to find out the timeline of the story and what happened in the following time: Before the trip and During the trip ( At the beginning, after lunch, at the end of the trip)

4. Ask one student to retell this text on Page 53 with less than 10 sentences.

Step III Language points

1. Deal with some difficult points, T teaches the Ss the languages like the following: 1) die out 2) in danger 3) no more than 4) go on an organized trip to  5) purpose  6) go off  7) be busy measuring  8) to one’s joy

2. Play the game to see who can find as many as possible the past participles in the text on Page 53. Then explain the functions of these words.

Step IV  Practise

1. Get Ss to do Ex 2 P115. Tell them to fill in the blanks without looking back at the text.

2. Ask one student to act as a librarian in national museum of nature history. And other students to ask some questions about some certain animal, such as Panda:

How many Pandas are in the World? Why they are few?  What can we do to protect them? and so on.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Written work WB P115. Ex 4. Ask Ss to guess and find the difference between so --- that and so that.

2. Written work WB116 Ex3. And find the functions of Past Participles in the sentences.


1.Suppose you are a scientist and you attend a conference about the pollution in the area you live in. You should prepare a talk about the facts, history and the reasons about the local pollution in different aspects, such as earth, air and water. Can you sum up the most important and serious pollution in your area? (Do you concern about the population pollution?) And do you find the best way to solve these problems? (Such as integrated methods? And international co-operation?)

2.了解中国某一地区的污染状况其发展的原因,解决方法。 如果是重工业城市可以参观某些工厂如化工厂,水泥厂和钢铁厂, 如果是农村则应该参观林地和农田询问公社的气象局和土地办等有关情况。如果污染已经改善则问清楚是何手段和方法,如果没有任何改善则向有关的机构询问解决的可能,并向污染单位建议。最后用英文写一篇小论文


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标签: earth   高二英语教案
