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高二英语一单元教案:Great Scientists教案

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9542
10.absorb 【课文原句】

absorb vt. 1)吸收

① 干土吸水快。Dry earth absorbs water quickly.

② 他们吸收了大量的罗马文化。They absorbed a great deal of Roman culture.


小姑娘正在全神贯注地阅读一篇故事。The little girl was absorbed in reading a tale.

常见结构: be absorbed in全神贯注于 absorb …from 从……中吸收be absorbed by 被……吞并;为……所吸收 absorb sb.’s attention引起某人的注意

For the next two hours she was the film, so she didn’t notice what happened around her.

A. engaged in B.busy in C.absorbed in D. occupied with

11.severe 【课文原句】

Severe adj. 1)严重的;剧烈的;强烈的

激烈的竞争severe competition

严寒的天气sever cold

剧痛severe pain

强风暴a severe storm

牙痛的剧烈发作a severe attack of toothache


苛刻的主人a severe master

严父a severe father

严肃的神色severe look

严格的纪律a severe discipline

对孩子严厉be severe with one’s children

12. be to blame【课文原句】

be to blame“该受责备的,应负责任 ”通常用主动形式表被动意义。

我们认为你不应该受责备。We consider that you are not to blame.

拓展:blame 1)vt. 指责;归咎于;归因于。常见结构:

blame sb. for sth./doing sth责备某人(做了)某事

blame sth. on sb.把……归咎于某人

他们把此次错误归咎于乔治(George ).They blame George for the failure of the action./They blame the failure of the action on George.

2)vi. 常见结构sb/sth is to blame for sth.某人(某事)应负……的责任;……是……的起因

对造成此次欧洲最严重的失业,该政策应负部分责任。The policy is partly to blame for causing the worst unemployment.

3)n. 责任;过失;责备。常见结构:

take the blame for 承担……的责任

lay/put the blame for sth. on sb.把某事归咎于某人

13.handle 【课文原句】

handle 1) n.柄,把手

门,杯子,抽屉的把手 a door/cup/drawer handle


①我管不住孩子们。I can’t handle children.

②她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。She handled a difficult argument skilfully..

14.link 【课文原句】

.link 1) v. 连接 常与介词to,together,with等连用,意为“把……连接以来”

这两个城镇有一条铁路连接起来。A railway links the two towns together.=The two towns are linked by a railway.=This town is linked to/with that one by a railway.

2) n.连接,联系,关系,环

吸烟和癌症密切有关。There is a close link between smoking and lung cancer.

15.have sth. done【课文原句】

have sth. done常用于1)请/让别人做某事 2)经历/遭遇(一些不好的事)

1) 我们请了一位过路人给我们拍照。We had our photo taken by a passer-by.(=We had a passer-by take our photo.)

2) 她在回家的路上钱包被偷了。She had her purse stolen on her way home.

区别:have sb. do.使某人做某事 have sb./sth. doing使某人或者某物一直处于某种状态。

The director had her assistant some hot dogs for the meeting.

A. picked up B. picks up C .pick up D. picking up

16.announce 【课文原句】

Announce vt. 宣布,宣告;通报;预告

1) 鲜艳的花朵和翠绿的树木表明春天到了。The bright flowers and green trees announced that spring was here.

2) 他们预告说不久寒流就要到来。They announced that a cold wave would come soon.

知识链接:announcement n.宣告;宣布 announcer宣布者,广播员

It has been announced that…已宣布……

17.defeat 【课文原句】

1) vt. 击败;战胜;挫败 他三盘击败了冠军。He defeated the champion in three sets.

2) n.击败;失败 今年我们失败过两次。We had two defeats this year.

辨析:defeat/ beat/win

1) defeat 和beat意义与用法相似,一般可以互换,两者通常接表示人或团体的名词或代词作宾语。但beat侧重于在比赛中击败对手,defeat既可在比赛中也可在战场上击败对手。

① 我们终于战胜了敌人。We defeated the enemy at last.

② 昨天下棋我赢了约翰。I beat/defeated John at chess yesterday.

2) Win作及物动词时,其后一般接game, war ,battle, prize等表示比赛、战争、奖品等的名词。

玛丽在竞赛中获得一等奖。Mary won the first prize in the competition.

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