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高三英语教案:Module 1单元知识点

[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语教案   阅读:9350

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本文题目:高三英语教案:Module 1Small Talk单元知识点


Module 1 Small Talk 聊天


1.The speaker r______________ to his past experience.

2.It is e____________ that the project will last four years.

3.Don’t miss this o____________;it may never come again.

4.His talk met with a warm r____________ .

5.Act c____________ in a job interview and you will have a better chance.

6.They live in poor ____________(境况).

7.Her ability made her ____________(成功)in everything she does.

8.You should give the boy ____________(预先)warning before punishing him.

9.He later ____________ for his behavior and I accepted his ____________.(apology)

10.He wanted to __________ for the manager’s job and he was one of the 30________.He was anxious to get an _______ form.(apply)

1.referred 2.estimated 3.opportunity 4.reception,5.confidently 6.circumstances 7.successful 8.advance,9.apologized;apology 10.apply;applicants;application


1.________________  把目光从……移开

2.________________ 因此;结果

3.________________ 使某人高兴/振作起来

4.________________ 知道

5.________________ 了解(到);找到(信息)

6.________________ 交朋友;建立友谊

7.________________ 想起,回忆起

8.________________ 除此之外,另外

9.________________ 省去;删去

10.________________ 炫耀

11.________________ 对……神经紧张,害怕,胆怯,焦虑不安

12.________________ 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话

13.________________ 带头,领先

1.look away from 2.as a consequence 3.cheer sb.up 4.be aware of 5.find out 6.make friends 7.think of 8.in addition 9.leave out 10.show off 11.(be)nervous about 12.put one’s foot in one’s mouth 13.take the lead


1.________ to a man about himself,________ he will speak to you for hours!


2.I have a favour ________________.


3.Her motto was“________________ I open my mouth,I put my foot in it.”


4.________________ 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.


5.Imagine a situation ________ two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the café or party,etc.


1.Talk;and 2.to ask 3.Every time 4.It is estimated that 5.where


1.absence n. [U]缺乏,不存在,缺席

(回归课本P8)Esther Greenbaum’s major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk.





①The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon.


②However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.


③Every time after a long absence from school,I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others.


④In his absence I looked to see what was on his desk.



1.(2010年江苏启东中学)There being no witness on the spot,the police were delayed by the ________ of information about the crime.

A.analysis      B.disappearance

C.absence D.consideration



________________________________,Mr.Li is in charge.经理不在时,一切由李先生负责。

答案:In the absence of the manager

2.apology n. 道歉,致歉

(回归课本P8)“Oh,sorry,”said Esther without any apology.




①(朗文P70)I must apologise for the delay in replying to your letter.未能及时复信,我必须向你道歉。

②The worker said that the boss must make an apology to him for the dirty words.


③(牛津P78)We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.今天航班误点,敬请原谅。


3.On yesterday’s interview,he didn’t make a(n) ________ at all;what’s the matter with him?

A.apology        B.appearance

C.difference D.change

解析:选B。make an apology道歉;make an appearance露面,在场;make a difference有影响,使不相同;make a change有所改动。句意:在昨天的面试里,他根本没露面,他是怎么了?

4.The captain ________ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

A.made B.said

C.put D.passed

解析:选A。考查固定搭配。make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做了)某事而向某人表示歉意。

3.purpose n. 目的;意图

(回归课本P13)What’s the purpose of your visit to London?




①(牛津P1609)The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.


②Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family,or for business purposes?


③I haven’t got a pen,but a pencil will answer/serve the same purpose.我没带钢笔,不过铅笔也能起到一样的作用。

④He stepped me on my foot on purpose,knowing it would annoy me.他故意踩了我的脚,知道这会激怒我。

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高三英语教案
