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[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9710




1.dry(反义词)                      2.write(现在分词)

3.mine(对应词)                     4.dish (复数)

5.clean(反义词)                    6.put (现在分词)

7.is not(缩写形式)                    8.loud(副词)

9.open (反义词)                     10.sit(现在分词)


()1. She is reading. X K b1.Co m

A.quiet            B.loud             C.quietly

(   )2. Please the peas.

A.passing          B. passed           C. pass

(   )3. Jenny in Canada.

A.lives            B. live              C. living

(  ) 4. Timebreakfast.

A.for              B.to                C. on

(   )5. What would you likebreakfast?

A.of              B. for              C.on

(  ) 6. Everyone in the room      supper.

A.haves       B.have        C. has         D.eat

(   ) 7. These are.

A.dish             B.dishs              C. dishes

()8.I like.

A.sing             B. to sing           C. singer

()9. Let’s vegetables.

A.wash             B. to wash           C. Washing

()10. Let’s _____some dishes on the table.

A. to put      B.put          C.putting     D.to putting

()11. This bedroom is _____.  And that oneis______.

A.your,  my      B. yours,  my     C.yours,  mine  D.your,  mine

()12. We take a shower ______Friday______thebathroom.

A.on in        B.in in        C.on on        D.on at

()13. We often go to school _____7:30

A.in          B.of         C. on          D. at

()14. My mum is ______breakfast.

()15. The red bicycle is        .

A. your              B.my                 C.mine



1. time, is, What, it


2. please, I, like, would, and, bread, juice, some


3.Tom, be, cook, supper, the, stove, on (现在进行时态)


4. are, the, on ,The, peas, stove


5. washing, am, the, dishes, dirty, I




1. Jennyis watching TV now.(对划线部分提问)

2. This is a bedroom.(变为复数句)

3. It’stime for supper.(改为同义句)

4. 这是厨房。(翻译)

5. This is yourbedroom.(同义句)

IV. 选择对应的答语(5分)

(   )1.What are youdoing?                        a. Yes ,thank you.

(   )2.Nice to meetyou.                            b. Sure

(   )3. Did you have agood trip?                 c. Nice to meet you.,too.

(   )4.Can you helpme?                            d. Thank you.

(   )5. Here areapples.                             e. I’m cleaning the dishes.

V. 阅读短文,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)(10分)

Mr.White looks young,but he is fifty-six. Hehas some children. One of his sons is a doctor. The other two are studying in England. Thedaughter is working with her father. Now,Mr.White works in a factory nearhere.He thinks Chinese people are friendly and Chinese food is very good.He canspeak a little Chinese.So he goes to Chinese classes every day.He says it isn’ttoo easy to learn Chinese.And he must study hard.

(   )1. Mr.White is a young man.

(   )2. Mr.White likes China becausehe likes Chinese people and food.

(   )3. Mr.White speaks Chinesevery well.

(   )4. Chinese is hard to study.

(   )5. He has three children.

VI. 以”My living room”或”My bedrom”为题写一篇小作文。(要求:不少于5句,语句通顺,没有语法错误,书写规范)







标签: 暂无联系方式 六年级英语试卷
