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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学中考复习中考英语中考英语模拟题人教版2016八年级英语上册期中考试题


[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9217

(   )  29. She is   so     young  that she can’t  go to school.

A. too; to       B. enough; to    C. so; such     D. too; that

(   )  30 We  had a good time  at the party.

A. were surprised                        B. enjoyed ourselves

C. felt excited                           D. had funny

B) 从A ﹑B﹑ C﹑ D 四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。

( ) 31 ---Did you buy anything for              ?

----No, I bought nothing for

A. yourself, myself                   B. myself , yourself

C. me, myself                         D. you, yourself

(  )  32.  ---- Where          he go on vacation ?

----- He went to  the mountains.

A. did       B. is      C. does      D. has

(  )  33. ---- Did you decide        a bicycle to school ?

---- Sure

A. ride      B. riding    C. to ride   D. rode

(  )  34. ---- My  brother works

----  Yes , so he         ever plays computer games.

A. hard; hardly                B. hardly; hard

C  hard; hard                  D.  hardly; hardly

(  ) 35. -----What do you think of the book ?

-----It is so         , and I feel

A. excited, boring             B. boring ,  excited

C. boring , bored              D. bored  , boring

(  )  36. -----   Is there         in today’s newpaper?

------ Sorry, I don’t know

A. something new              B anything new

C. new something              D new anything

(  )   37. ---- Why was he late, Tom ?

-----He was late       he was ill, not       the bad weather .

A. because, because of        B. because of , because

C. because , because          D. because of , because of

(   )  38. ----       does your cousin go to the gym ?

----Twice a week.

A. How long    B. How soon    C. How much   D. How often

(   )  39.--- Frank lievs a simple (简朴) life        he has lots of money.

----I think so.

A. although      B. because     C. SO       D. if

(   )  40. ---Where is John ?

---He isn’here . Try         his home number.

A.  to phone     B. phoning       C. called    D. to call

(   )  41. ---I’m sorry to keep you            too long.

----It doesn’t matter.

A. to wait        B. waiting       C. waited    D. wait

(   )  42 -----Who went to Beijing in our class  ?


A. Never          B. No            C. None      D. No one

(   )  43 ------Why         she angry now  ?

--------Because he         at her just now.

A. is , shouted                    B. was ; shouted

C. are ; shouted                   D. is, shouts

(   )   44. ------Tom’s life is          from Bob’s

-------Yes , There are some         .

A. different; different;              B. difference; different;

C. different; differences             D. differences ; differences

(   )   45  ------What do you think of math ?

--------I find        difficult to learn it.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
