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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9541


I. 听力部分(25分)



(  )1. What subject did the woman fail ?

A. Math.        B. English.         C. Chinese.

(  )2. Who is Mr Black?

A. The man wearing sunglasses.

B. The man wearing a hat.

C. The man wearing a blue coat.

(  )3. Where does the grandpa probably live?

A. In a city.      B. In a factory.     C. On a farm.

(  )4. How much are the boy’s jeans?

A. 40 yuan.      B.160 yuan .       C. 80 yuan .

(  )5. What's the weather like now?

A. Warm.       B. Hot.           C. Cold.




(  )6. What did the teachers do after Tim made trouble? xKb1 .C om

A. They always talked to his parents.

B. They always made him clean the classroom.

C. They always laughed at him.

(  )7. Why did Tim lie down with his bike on top of him?

A. To get a new bike.

B. To make his mother angry.

C. To play a joke on his mother.

(  )8. What’s the conversation mainly about?

A. Tim’s behavior as a little boy.

B. Tim’s feeling for his school life.

C. Tim’s attitude toward his mother.


(  )9. Where did the man see the lists of places and restaurants?

A. On TV.

B. In a travel guide.

C. From a newspaper.

(  )10. What will the man do if he goes camping?

A. Cook on an open fire.

B. Sleep near the sea.

C. Send a letter to the woman.

(  )11. What will the woman do at last?

A. Go to Greece.

B. Stay at home.

C. Go swimming.



小词典: terminal: 终点站

(  )12. How many kinds of transportation are mentioned in the passage?

A. 5.             B. 4.              C. 6.

(  )13. Which city can you get to only by plane?

A. Shanghai.       B. Changsha.      C. Hongkong.

(  )14. Along the Grand Canal, there’s a pleasant boat trip to ___________.

A. Suzhou.          B. Dalian.          C. Xi’an.

(  )15. Hangzhou is the _________ point for the Zhejiang-Jiangxi line.

A. starting          B. second stop     C. center

II. 笔试部分(95分)



16.The underline part in the word “family” is pronounced as _______.

A. /i/                 B. /ә/               C. /ei/               D. /e/

17. -Do you speak English or French in Canada?

-______. But I prefer French.

A. Neither             B. Both             C. Either             D. All

18. The food looks ______ and tastes ______.

A. nicely; good         B. nice; good         C. nicely; well        D. nice; well

19. -You should _______ your teacher’s advice if you want to improve your English.

-That sounds great.

A. listen               B. hear              C. catch             D. follow

20. -Have you heard of the news about Jane and Li Lei?

-News? No, I haven’t. Tell me about _______.

A. them                B. her               C. it               D. him

21. -Oh! There isn’t enough ______ for us in  the bus.

-No hurry. Let’s wait for the next one.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
