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[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9753



A.  B. C.  D.   E.

1.________   2.________   3.________   4.________   5.________

听对话,根据对话内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。对话读两遍。 (共5分,每小题1分)

(   ) 6.  What’s the matter with Bob

A. He is ill.B. He is upset.C. John was not friendly to him.

(   ) 7.  Why did John get angry

1. The radio was too loud.

2. Jim argued with him.

C. I don’t know.

(   ) 8.  What were they doing yesterday at first

1. Playing games.

B. Watching a TV show.

C. Listening to the radio.

(   ) 9.  Did Bob do right or wrong

A. He did right.B. He did wrong.C. Yes, he did.

(   ) 10. What should Bob do

A. Argue with John.B. Have a fight.C. Say sorry to him.


Ask for help  Ann wants her 11)

to give her some advice. She is 12)

these days. Here are some of her problems. First, she doesn’t have 13)

Second, she can’t 14)

teachers well in class. Third, she has no time to 15)

So she is worried about it.



(   ) 16.   My sister’s T-shirt is out of style. _________ needs to buy a new one.

A. He  B. She C. His D. Her

(   ) 17.  — _________ you pass me the book I’d like to read it.

— No problem. Here you are.

A. Need  B. Could C. Must D. Should

(   ) 18.   There isn’t enough place in the room, it isn’t _________ to hold these people.

A. enough big  B. enough small  C. big enoughD. small enough

(   ) 19.   They are good friends, but sometimes they argue _________ each other.

A. forB. to    C. about  D. with

(   ) 20.   I am not good at English, and Ann isn’t, _________.

A. too          B. Also   C. as well     D. either

(   ) 21.   I tried the dress but it didn’t _________ me.

A. fitB. getC. Match D. keep

(   ) 22.  — I can’t find him. What should I do

— Maybe you should _________.

A. call up him B. keep out him C. call him upD. keep him out


(   )23.  — What a beautiful sweater! How much did you _________ for it

— 198 yuan.

A. takeB. costC. payD. spend

(   ) 24.  — Must I clean the blackboard now

— No, you _________.

A. needB. needn’t C. couldn’tD. shouldn’t

(   ) 25. We saw his sister _________ here at that moment.

A. plays   B. played  C. Playing  D. to play

(   ) 26. — It seems that today is ______ yesterday.

— Yes, you should wear a warm coat.

A. as hot asB. as cold asC. so hot asD. so cold as

(   ) 27. Everyone went to the museum _________ Jim. He had to stay at home.

A. except  B. besides C. About D. with

(   ) 28. The policeman told the little boy _________ football in the street. It’s dangerous.

A. not play  B. not playing  C. not to playD. not to playing

(   ) 29. I don’t know when we will _________ home.

A. return back toB. return toC. return  D. return back

(   ) 30 Did you find _________ very interesting to play Yo-Yo

A. thisB. it C. usD. that

(   ) 31. — We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.

— Really Will you please show me _________

A. what to use B. how to use itC. how can I use it D. what can I use

(   ) 32. She looked _________ when she heard the _________ news.

A. surprised; surprising        B. surprising; surprised

C. surprising; surprising             D. surprised; surprised

(   ) 33. — I had a fight with my brother this morning.

— _________

A. That’s nothing. B. Great!

C. You should say sorry to him.D. Let’s play soccer.

(    )34.Paul always makes his sister ______.

A.crying  B.to cry  C.criedD.cry

(    )35.He is so old that he can _____ himself now.

A.wear  B.dress        C.put onD.take off


阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳选项

One day, a taxi driver 36 a woman home from a party. The woman had her dog  37 her. When they  38 her house, the woman found that she  39 take money with her. 40 the driver had to  41 in the car with the dog when she  42 her house for money. He waited and waited. Half  43 hour later the woman did not come back. So the driver went  44 his car to  45 what was going on. While he 46around the house, the police came. They thought that he  47 a thief.  48 the woman came back. She said she forgot about the dog and the driver. The driver was  49 angry to  50 her for the money and went away quickly.

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