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[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9771




1. One afternoon he found ________handbag. There was _______ “s” on the corner of_________ handbag.

A. a, an, the       B. a, a, the       C. an, an, an       D. the, a, a

2. Thank you for__________ me _________some water.

A. to help, carry    B. to help, carrying     C. helping, carrying     D. helping, carry

3. After ________, you can see a special tree on the side of the road.

A. a 10-minute bike ride               B. a 10 minutes’ bike

C. 10 minute bike ride             D. a 10-minutes bike ride

4. It was very ________ the maths problem.

A. clever of you working out       B. clever for you to work out

C. clever of you to work out       D. clever for you working out

5. No one can be sure_________ in a million years.

A. what man looks like       B. what will man look like

C. what man will look like       D. man will look like what

6. Jack’s words made him________.

A. happily        B. to launch       C. crying       D. angry

7. Jack asked me_________.

A. if sally will come tonight       B. that they would hand in the papers on time

C. how heavy was the box       D. what was wrong with Jane

8. My mother with two brothers _______gone to Beijing.

A. is       B. are       C. has       D. have

9. Li Ming spent half an hour _______ his computer yesterday.

A. in       B. repair       C. to repair       D. repairing

10. Could you _______your brother________?

A. stops, from getting into trouble       B. stopped, to get into trouble

C. stop, from getting into trouble        D. stop, gets into trouble

11. --What kind of restaurant do you want to go for dinner, jack?

--We _______it. I want to have Chinese food. But Jane wants to eat pasta.

A. haven’t agreed on       B. have agreed to       C. didn’t agree with       D. agree on

12. My grandmother often has ________food, so she’s in a very good________.

A. healthy, healthy       B. healthy, health       C. health, healthy       D. health, health

13. -- How beautiful your iphone is!

--Yeah, it is _______ as my old one.

A. as twice expensive   B. twice as expensive  C. twice as more expensive   D. as twice cheap

14. All the flowers in the garden not only grow________ but also smell________.

A. good, good       B. well, well       C. good, well       D. well, good

15. Ann’s parents are very strict with her. She _______ to be hard-working, positive and helpful.

A. asks       B. asked       C. is asked       D. is asking


总结:初三上学期期中考英语试题就为大家分享到这里了,希望能帮助考生们复习本门功课 ,做好最后的考前冲刺!



标签: 暂无联系方式 中考英语模拟题
