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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9588

Be on time! It is considered rude to be late. If you must come in late,  ____44____ to do it quietly. Have your books and papers out of your bag before you come into the room. Then go to your seat and sit quietly. In the U.S.A. , it is not necessary to knock before you enter the classroom. If you must enter during class, do so quietly. There is no need to ask for the teacher’s permission. Entering a teacher’s office with a ____45____ door without knocking first is not acceptable. Knock, then wait to be invited in.

(    )36. A. to learn             B. learn               C. learning

(    )37. A. one                  B. it                    C. ones

(    )38. A. learn                B. say                  C. repeat

(    )39. A. tell                  B. telling              C. to tell

(    )40. A. that                 B. what                C. if

(    )41. A. classmate          B. parents             C. teacher

(    )42. A. to                    B for                   C. about

(    )43. A. seriously           B. serious             C. bad

(    )44. A. make sure          B. be sure            C. for sure

(    )45. A. close                B. closing             C. closed

四.   阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)


Space travel is certainly bad for astronauts’bones,reducing their bone density(密度)after only a month of weightlessness,according to French research published on Friday.

Laurence Vico and his fellow workers at St Etienne University called for more research into the effects of microgravity (微重力),after their study of 1 5 astronauts from the Russian MIR station showed bone loss continued throughout space flights.“Bone loss was especially striking in four astronauts,”the scientists reported in the Lancet Medical Journal.

They measured the bone mineral density(BMD)of bones in the forearm(前臂)and lower

leg of the astronauts who had spent one to six months in space.The BMD loss was serious in the tibia(胫骨)of the lower leg,a weight—bearing bone,but hardly changed in the radius(桡骨)of the forearm.“Our results show the need to test not only different bones,but also different areas of the same bone since not all sites of the skeleton(骨架)are similarly affected by space conditions,”they added.

Without gravity the body isn't bearing any weight so there is no need for calcium(钙) which makes bones strong,and it becomes empty into the bloodstream.The research team suggested in future scientists should try to determine if the loss of bone density was only on weight—bearing bones on longer flights,also the possible recovery after returning to Earth.


(  )46.French scientists did their research on Russian astronauts,because_____.

A.they only cared for the Russian astronauts

B.they were not interested in their own astronauts

C.the Russian astronauts worked in space for a long time

(  )47.Scientists have found that_____.

A.the BMD loss may cause serious illness to astronauts

B.the BMD loss may cause some change in astronauts' bodies

C.astronauts shouldn’t care about the BMD loss


(  )48.What caused the BMD loss to astronauts,according to this passage?

(  )49.In the third paragraph,the word“striking”means______.

A.不寻常的    B.简单的    C.轻微的

(  )50.What does the author mainly talk about?

A.Calcium makes bones strong.B.Bone loss happened to four astronauts.

C.Space travel is certainly bad for astronauts’bones.


Grant Middle School

Schedule of After-School Activities

All groups meet at 3:00 P.M.

Activity Day Room Sponsor

Band Monday Auditorium Ms. Miller

Chess Club Thursday 223 Ms. Guardino

Computer Club Tuesday 137 Ms. Cohen

Drama Club Monday 201 Ms. Chee

Glee Club Wednesday Gym Ms. Haines

Orchestra Wednesday Auditorium Mrs. Adams

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
