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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:9588

School Newspaper Thursday 321 Mr. Martinez

Yearbook Committee Tuesday 222 Mr. Wagne


(  )51.What is the schedule about?

A.After-class activities.  B.After-school activities.C.Before-class activities.

(  )52.How many activities are there in the school?

A.6.      B.7.      C.8.

(  )53.Room 137 is for______.

A.Computer Club    B.Drama Club    C.Yearbook Committee

(  )54.Which activities take place on Wednesdays?

A.Glee Club and Band  B.Orchestra and School Newspaper C.Glee Club and Orchestra

(  )55.MS.Miller is the sponsor for the ______.

A.Band      B.Glee Club      C.School Newspaper


One day Turtle saw himself in the pond. What he saw made him unhappy. He thought his green shell looked so simple. Just then Bluebird flew past. Turtle thought Bluebird was lucky to have bright blue feathers and wished that he had beautiful blue feathers, too. Then Turtle noticed two of Bluebird’s feathers on the ground. He quickly picked them up and connected them to his shell with some mud from the pond.

Turtle walked up the path next to the pond feeling quite handsome in his new feathers. Soon he met Squirrel(松鼠), who began to laugh. “You look so silly!” Squirrel said. Turtle felt terrible. He thought Squirrel was lucky to have beautiful gray fur and wished that he had gray fur, too. Then Turtle noticed that Squirrel had shed some fur under a bush. So Turtle picked it up and connected it to his shell with some more mud from the pond.

Turtle walked up the path feeling quite attractive in his new fur and feathers. He couldn’t wait to show off his new decorations to his friend Frog.

He was happy when he saw Frog coming out of the pond.

“Hello, Frog,” Turtle called.

“Who are you?” Frog asked jokingly.

“I’m your friend Turtle,” Turtle replied.

“That can’t be,” Frog said. “My friend Turtle is a very handsome fellow with a lovely green shell. You are a foolish-looking creature.” With that, Frog hopped back into the pond. Turtle looked at himself in the pond once more. Frog was right, of course. He did look foolish. Turtle pulled off the feathers, the fur and the quills. His green shell was lovely after all.

根据短文内容判断正,误。正确的填 “A”, 错误的填 “B”。

(    )56. Turtle felt happy when he saw himself in the pond one day.

(    )57. When Turtle sees Squirrel’s fur, he wishes he had some, too.

(    )58. Turtle sees Bluebird second.

(    )59. Turtle learns to accept himself at last.

(    )60. The purpose of this passage is to teach a lesson about being happy with the way you are.



(    ) 61. “Back to the Future” is on at the Odeon Cinema in October for ______.

A. all the teachers and parents      B. children of all ages

C. workers and farmers

(    ) 62. The school library is open every day from ______ to _______.

A. two o’clock; half past five in the morning

B. early morning; half past five in the afternoon

C. four o’clock; half past five in the afternoon

(    ) 63. There is an English exam on _______.

A. Tuesday, December 1   B. Friday, August 12  C. Friday, December 11

(    ) 64. The shop is _______ before nine o’clock on Friday ______.

A. open; evening        B. not closed; nights     C. opened; mornings

(    ) 65. The meeting of the Historical Society lasts _______ every Wednesday.

A. one hour               B. two hours            C. three hours




generosity   success       think     them     happy

There are many people in the world, who are very ____66____ and have a lot of money, but they only think about themselves. They only care about their own things without _____67______ about others’ feeling. If you ask them to give you something which is important to them, they will go crazy. These people are not well-liked. There are also many people on earth who don’t have much money, but they have a kind heart to other people. They usually think about other people before thinking about _____68_____. They like to help others, even if they only have a little money or some other things to use. These people are very popular among other people.

And now we call the first kind of people selfish people, and the second kind of people ______69_____people. Which kind of people do you think will be much _____70____? And which kind of people do you want to be? I think the answer is very clear.


As a middle school student, we know the importance of English. But how can we study English well? A student who knows a set of grammatical rules and a lot of English words does not mean that he has mastered the language. A student’s mastery of English is measured by how well he can use it, not by how much he knows about it. So we should try our best to use English.

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标签: 2011   中考英语模拟题
