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Module 3 Plans教案

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9517

2. 小组内练习朗读,提出疑难短句或句子展示,能解决问题。

① because表示直接原因,回答why引导的问句或引导原因状语从句。引导原因状语从句时,一般放在主句之后。

eg.——Why are you late for school?

——Because I get up late.

He is not happy because his dog is lost.

② plane n.飞机

He often goes to Beijing by plane.

He often takes a plane to Beijing.

③ do some sightseeing / shoppng / cleaning / cooking / washing / reading

④ cook n.厨师,炊事员


cooker n.厨房里的炊具


I want to learn to .


Lucy’s uncle is of the restautant.


The is in the kitchen.


We have got .

3. 小组内讨论,分配任务练习。

Activity 3 Match the questions with the answers.

Activity 4 Answer the questions.Use the words in the box.



1. Jack’s mother is going to China for a visit next month.


2. They’re going to trale around the world by ship.


3. We’re going to have a swimming lesson this afternoon.


4. She is going to the beach because she likes the sea.


5. Tom is going to the park with his parents.


Activity 5 Write full answers,use because


Activity 6 Work in pairs and answer the questions.Fill in the form.

Person Time Event Reason

Activity 7 Write your partner’s answers to Activity 6.

…is looking forward to going out on Saturday evening。

He’s going to go to the cinema because he likes film.


一 选择填空

1.She is looking forward to ________ the Great Wall .

A. visit B.visits C. visiting D.visitting

2. She is going to do some sightseeing in China_____she likes Chinese culture.

A. so B. but C.because D.or

3. He likes making friends _______different people.

A. to B.with C.for D.of

4. My parents and I ______ going to visit Disneyland.

A.are both B.are all C.all are D.am both

5.she is good at cooking She is a _______.

A. cook B. cooker C. cooking D. Cooks

二 完成句子

1. 孩子们正在沙滩上做游戏。

The children are playing games ______ ______ _______.

2. 我期待着去看芭蕾。

I'm _____ _______ ______ _______a ballet.

3. 我们想在周末去登长城.

We are going to ______ ________ the Great Wall at the weekend.

4. 这位老人喜欢和医生交朋友。

The old man likes _____ ______ _______ doctors.

5. 她经常坐公共汽车去上学。

She often ______ ______ _______ ______ school.

Unit 3 Language in use


1.归纳总结一般将来时:be going to do sth.结构和because的用法。

2.复习并巩固本模块所学词汇buy ,check, enjoy ,because ,picnic

sightseeing ,culture ,why , lie , stay ,take ,get up ,revise for ,look forward to…go sightseeing ,go shopping.

3.学习重点:句型be going to do sth.在各种句式中的运用。

4.学习难点:Talk about what you’re going to do at the weekend.



1.上钢琴课 2.游览

3.去购物 4.早起床

5.检查邮件 6.复习考试

7.吃野餐 8.呆在床上

9.盼望着 10.爬上长城 。


朗读Unit 1 Activity 3和Unit 2 Activity 1完成下列句子:

1.Daming is gong to have a _______ on Saturday afternoon.

2.Betty is going to ______ ________on Saturday afternoon.

3.Helen is going to _________ because she likes Chinese culture.

4.Lucy is going to lie _______ because she enjoys the sun and the sea


1. be going to do sth.的用法:如果你想表达自己打算. 计划.有意做某事, 你就可以用be going to do sth.结构,because引出原因,其后句中谓语动词用一般现在时。

2. 继续自主探究 be going to do sth. 句型

1)I am going to visit China.变否定句: ______________________ .

2)She is going to buy some clothes.(变一般疑问句并作肯定 .否定回答)


______________ . or _____________.

3) They are going to lie on the beach this weekend because they like the sun and the sea. (画线提问)

a.问做什么 _______________________________?

b.问时间 _________________________________?

c.问原因 _________________________________?

4) 如果你计划到某地去,由于谓语动词与going重复,可以只说be going to +地点。如:I’m going to Shanghai this weekend.


6) 解答问题 _______________________________________.


1.Activity 1 本活动是口头训练 be going to do sth.句型


b. Do Ex.1 of Wb. Module 3 .个体活动。老师个别指导。

2 .Activity 2本活动是对Unit 1和Unit 2所学词汇的总结与检查。

a .学生个体活动。课前已做的学生监督伙伴完成。


六、.知识运用(Module task)

Activity 3 学生三人一组,协商角色,制定计划,宣读计划。


Talk about what you’re going to do at the weekend.



A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.

1.What are you going to do at the w______ ?

2. On Saturday morning , I’m going to r____ for my test at home.

3. The American couple has a son and a d_______ .

4. I’m looking f______ to seeing my parents .

5. He doesn’t come to school b______ he is ill .

6.We are going to do some s______ in Beijing .

7. We like going out and have a p____ outside .

8. I’m going to Beijing by p_______ .

9. The Chinese c_____ (文化) has a long history .

10. For Chinese , English is a f______ language .

B) 用所给动词的适当形式填空或按要求做.

1. He often ______(watch) TV at home .

2. Lucy ___________(visit) her grandparents this Sunday.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
