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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9490



Function Describing a process

Structure Wh- questions in present simple


Recognizing parts of the computer; recognizing question words

Asking and answering questions about computer

Reading/Writing Matching questions and answers

Correcting false information; using conjunction: but

Culture American teenagers and the Internet

Task Doing a questionnaire about computers

Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?

■Warming up

Good morning, class! Do I have a computer at home? Yes, I do. I have a laptop at home. What do I usually do on my computer? I usually listen to CDs and watch films on my computer. Do I write my diary on it? Yes, I do. How do I write my diary on the computer? First, I open a new document. I use the mouse and click “new document”. Next, I write my diary in the new document. I use the keyboard. At last, I click “save”, and write a name for it. So everybody can write his or her diary on the computer. What can you do on your computer besides this? You can write your homework on it! After you finish your homework, you can click “print” and “OK”. And then you can hand in your homework to teachers. Do you know how to use the computer now? Let’s turn to page 60 and learn more about the computer!

■Vocabulary and listening

1 Listen and number the words as you hear them.

Here is a computer. It has several different parts. The big screen we see is the monitor. In front of the monitor is the keyboard. We use the keyboard to write things on the computer. The mouse is next to the keyboard. We use the mouse to click things on the monitor. The part on the left side is the printer. We use the printer to print images and documents. Now, please listen to the tape. Number the words as you hear them.

1 →printer 2 →monitor 3 →computer 4 →keyboard 5 →mouse

2 Label the parts of the computer.

Now we are going to label the parts of the computer. Look at the above picture please. Which part is the mouse? How do we use the mouse? What is the name of the second part? What is the fourth part used for?

1 →printer 2 →monitor 3 →computer 4 →keyboard 5 →mouse

3 Complete these sentences with these words.

Hi, class! Can you tell me how to turn on the computer? First, we connect the monitor to the computer. Next, we connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. Finally we switch on the computer. In this way the computer can work.

connect switch on

First, connect the monitor to the computer.

Finally, switch on the computer.

4 Listen and read.

Now we are going to listen and read.

Lingling and Daming are talking about how to write the homework on the computer. Lingling doesn’t know how to do it. She asks Daming questions of writing the homework on the computer. Daming answers to her questions. Listen carefully.

Now let’s go on to read the dialogue. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.

Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.

5 Find these words in the dialogue. Write the words they go with.

There are six verbs in the box below. We can find these words in the dialogue in Activity 4. Do you know how to use these words after reading the dialogue? First, find these words in the dialogue yourself. Second, make new sentences with these words. For example, I save my new document. I use the keyboard to write my diary. I open the document. I use the mouse to click print and OK. I use the mouse to draw a picture in the new document. I use the printer to print my picture. I write my composition in the new document.

click print save use write open

click new document / save / print and OK

1 open a new document

2 use the mouse / the keyboard

3 write my homework on the computer / your homework in the new document / the name / a name for it / it in the box

4 save the document

5 print it

6 Number the instructions in the correct order.

Hello, class! I would like you to write today’s English homework on your computer. Do you know how to write the homework on the computer now? What do you need to do first? Of course, you need to switch on the computer first. What do you need to do next? You should open a new document for your homework. What is the third step? You write your homework in the new document. How do you save the document? You use the mouse and click save. Do you print your homework? Yes, you do. You need to click print and OK to print the document. Number the instructions in the correct order please.

2 Write your homework.

4 Print your document.

1 Open a new document.

3 Save the document

7 Answer the questions.

These are some questions about the conversation we learn. Now please answer them yourself. Use the correct sentences from the conversation.

1 How do you open a new document?→I use the mouse and click “new document”.

2 Where do you write your homework?→I write my homework in the new document.

3 How do you save the document?→I use the mouse and click “save”.

4 Where do you write its name?→I write it in the box.

5 What do you do next?→I click “save” again.

6 How do you print it?→I click “print” and “OK”.

■Pronunciation and Speaking

8 Listen and repeat.

On page 61 there is one sound and one word. You are going to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound on the left and blackened part the word.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
