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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9490

Jack plays computer games.

Karl Heinz makes travel plans.

Marcella and Bruno have a computer at home.

Becky has a computer.

5 Look at these sentences.

How do we join two sentences together? We can use the word but. Betty plays computer games but she never download music from the Internet. Kate doesn’t use the Internet but she draws pictures on her computer. Boone downloads computer games from the Internet but he doesn’t watch films on his laptop. Locke makes travel plans of visiting Australia but he doesn’t buy a ticket. Hugo listens to music on his laptop but he doesn’t send emails or photos on the Internet.

He checks the train timetable. He doesn’t buy tickets.

→He cheeks the train timetable but he doesn’t buy tickets.

Now join the two parts of the sentences with but.

1→e: Satoshi plays games but he doesn’t send emails.

2→g: Panos and Elena don’t often see their grandchildren but they send emails and photos.

3→a: Jack plays Counter Strike but he doesn’t play Tomb Raiders.

4→c: Ng doesn’t use the Internet but he writes novels on his computer.

5→d: Marcella and Bruno have two computers but they don’t often use them.

6→b: Becky uses her computer in the evening and at the weekend but she doesn’t use it in the afternoon.

7→f: Xiao Mei uses her laptop for work but she doesn’t play games on it.

6 Write sentences about what you do and don’t do on your computer. Use but.

Tell us what you do and don’t do on your computer. Use but. We do many things on our computer. Different people have different habits of using their computer. What is your habit? Do you send emails? Do you read news? Do you play games? Do you download music?

I play games but I don’t send emails.

I download music but I don’t watch films on my computer.

I check the plane timetable every week but I don’t usually buy tickets online.

I read news online but I don’t write articles on the Internet.

I draw pictures on my computer but I don’t print them.

I write my homework on the computer but I don’t write my diary on it.

I chat with friends online but I don’t often chat with strangers online.

I use the Internet at the weekend but I don’t use it on weekdays.

Unit 3 Language in use

■Warming up

Hi, class. Language is something for use, for communication. And language can be learned in use, in communication.

Today we shall learn about the English language in use. We shall learn about English Grammar and English Vocabulary.


What do you usually do on your computer?

How many emails do you send?

Do you often go online?

Do you make travel plans on the Internet?

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Use usually and often.

Work with your partner. Ask each other questions with the following words given to you. Complete your sentences. Use usually and often. Pay attention to your sentence structure.

have a computer at home? →Do you have a computer at home? Yes, I do.

When / use / a computer? →When do you use a computer? I often use it in the evening.

do homework / on your computer? →Do you often do homework on your computer? Yes, I do. I usually do my homework on my computer.

What games / play? → What games do you often play? I often play Counter Strike.

send emails? → Do you often send emails? Yes, I usually do.

Who/write to? →Who do you often write to? I often write to my parents.

use/a computer at school? →Do you often use a computer at school? No, I don’t.

download music? →Do you often download music? Yes, I do. I usually download music from the Internet.

What kind of music/download? →What kind of music do you often download?I usually download the classical music.

2 Write about your partner. Use usually and often.

How is your partner like? Can you write a short passage about your partner? Please use usually and often in your writing. You can write many things about your partner. What does he or she like? Does he or she usually go online? How does he or she think of computer games? Does he or she play computer games? What else does he or she do on the computer?

Wang Dong has a computer at home. He usually uses the computer in the evening. He usually does his homework on his computer. He often plays games on Sunday evening. He usually plays Counter Strike. He often sends emails to his friends. He usually downloads music from the Internet. He likes pop music.

3 Complete the sentences.

In this section, I would like you to complete the sentences below. Please pay great attention to the form of the verb. Try to fill in the correct answers. For example, we can say these sentences. Henry doesn’t like playing games, but he likes drawing pictures. Jack and Kate don’t travel a lot, but they often visit websites about traveling. Claire always uses the computer, but she doesn’t know how to download music. My parents usually write to me, but they don’t send me emails.

1 Tony doesn’t visit(not visit) his uncle, but he often sends(send)emails.

2 We use(use) the Internet, but we don’t play (not play) games on our computer.

3 Daming doesn’t use (not use)a computer to do his homework,but he downloads (download) music.

4 She makes(make)travel plans on the Internet, but she doesn’t buy (not buy) tickets.

5 We don’t have(not have) a computer at home, but we often use(use )the computer at school.


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
