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[10-15 23:11:15]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9490

/ / switch

9 Listen and repeat the questions.

There are five sentences here. Listen to the tape and repeat the questions. Make sentences like these by yourself. Say as many sentences as you can. Now I give you some examples. What’s the printer? What’s the polar bear? What do you do at weekends? What does he do on Sunday? How do I open a new document? How does a washing machine work? Where is the zoo? Where is the monitor? Where do we write our homework? Where do you go swimming?

1 How do I write my homework on the computer?

2 What’s the mouse?

3 What do I do next?

4 Where do I write the name?

5 Where’s the printer?

10 Work in pairs.Test your partner about computers.

Work with your partner. Ask each other questions about computers. Try to think of as many as questions as possible. Use the word where, what and how. When you answer the questions, please try to make your answers complete.

---What’s this? ---It’s the keyboard.

---How do you save a new document? ---I click “save”.

---Where do you write the name of the document? ---I write it in the box.

---What’s that? ---It’s the printer.

---How do you print a document? ---I use the mouse and click “print” and “OK”.

Unit 2 How often do you use a computer?

■Warming up

Good morning, everyone! Today we are going to say more things about how we use a computer. When do I use a computer? I usually go online and check my emails at night. What do I usually do on my computer? I usually listen to my favourite songs and watch DVDs on my computer. How often do I use a computer? Every night. Do I play computer games? No, I don’t. I find it not interesting. Do I chat with friends online? Yes, I do, but not very often. What do I think about the Internet? I think it is a good place to learn more knowledge and get more information besides our textbook. I think we should make a good use of the Internet. Now please turn to page 62. Let’s start our new lesson together.

■Reading and vocabulary

1 Match the questions with the people who answer them.

The passage below is about people and their computers. Ng is a writer. He writes novels on the computer and never uses the Internet or sends emails. Becky is from London. She uses the computer usually at home in the evening and at the weekend. What else can you learn from the passage? Please read the passage carefully. After reading, please match the questions with the people who answer them.

1 When do you use a computer? →Becky

2 What do you usually do on your computer? →Satoshi

3 How many emails do you send? →Panos and Elena

4 What games do you play? →Jack

5 Do you have a computer at home? →Marcella and Bruno

6 Do you usually use a computer at school? →Xiao Mei

7 Do you often go online? →Ng

8 Do you make travel plans on the Internet? →Karl Heinz

Read the passage again. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions.

Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.

play games, download music from the Internet, send emails, in the evening, live in, send photos, use the Internet, write novels, on one’s computer, check the train timetable, buy tickets, at home, at the weekend, visit one’s website, use my laptop for one’s lessons, get information for one’s lessons on the Internet,

2 Match the words in the two boxes.

There are two boxes of words here. We can find them all in the previous passage. Match the words in the two boxes. You can make sentences with these words. For example, I visit the website. He sends me an email. I use the Internet. She checks the train timetable every day on the Internet. I download music from the Internet. We get information for our study on the Internet. I go online every weekend. Betty makes travel plans on the Internet. I don’t often buy tickets. Make as many sentences as you can. www .x kb1.c om

visit send use check download get go make buy

email Internet online train timetable travel plans

website information music tickets

visit → website send → email use → Internet check → train timetable

download → music get → information go → online make → travel plans

buy → tickets

3 Check(√)the true sentences.

Can you find out all the true sentences after reading the passage? Does Satoshi send emails? Do Panos and Elena live in Australia? Does Jack play computer games? Does Ng go online? Does Karl Heinz make travel plans? Do Marcella and Bruno have a computer at home? Does Xiao Mei play computer games?

1 Satoshi doesn’t send emails. (√)

2 Panos and Elena don’t live in Australia. (√)

3 Jack doesn’t play computer games.

4 Ng doesn’t go online. (√)

5 Karl Heinz doesn’t make travel plans.

6 Marcella and Bruno don’t have a computer at home.

7 Becky doesn’t have a computer.

8 Xiao Mei doesn’t play computer games. (√)


4 Correct the false sentences in Activity 3.

Does Jack play computer games? Yes, he does. Jack sometimes plays Counter Strike and Final Fantasy. Does Karl Heinz make travel plans? Yes, he does. He checks the train timetable on the Internet. Do Marcella and Bruno have a computer at home? Yes, they do. They have two, a computer and a laptop. Does Becky have a computer? Yes, she does. She usually uses the computer at home in the evening and at the weekend. Now, please correct the false sentences in Activity 3.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
