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初一英语Unit 9 My favorite subject is science教案

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9210

S2: Because it's fun.

Ⅵ. Listening

1. T: Look at the picture in 2a. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. First, read the sentences by yourself. Then listen and put the conversation in order.

Ss read the four sentences, then listen to the recording and put them in order.

2. Check the answers with the class.

3. We're learned some adjectives in Unit 5. Such as interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing…

Do you still remember? Let's review the words together. (List all the adjectives: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing) Then have a conversation with the Ss.

T: Let's play basketball!

Ss: That sounds interesting.

T: Let's play baseball.

Ss: That sounds difficult.

T: Let's listen to music.

Ss: That sounds relaxing.

T: Let's watch TV!

Ss: That sounds boring.

T: Let's play a game.

Ss: That sounds fun.

4. Now listen to the recording again. Match the subjects you hear with the descriptions. Ss listen and match. Then play the recording for the Ss to check the answers.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. T: What do you think of the subjects above? Make your own conversations using the words (fun, interesting, relaxing, difficult…) in 2b. For example:

S1: What's your favorite subject?

S2: Science.

S1: Why do you like science?

S2: Because it's interesting.

2. Ss make their own conversations with his or her partner. Then let some pairs act out their conversations.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Present the new words: Monday, Friday and Saturday by show some calendars on screen. Let Ss read the new words after teacher.

2. Let Ss read the conversation and fill in the chart.

Name Favorite Day Favorite subject Why


Bob Because the next day is Saturday.

3. Ss read the conversation and complete the chart. Then check the answers with the Ss.

4. Let Ss practice the conversation in pairs. Then try to act out the conversation in front of the class.

5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)


1. Review the new words and expressions in this period.

2. Make a survey of the favorite subjects your classmate and the reasons.


Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 继续学习学校的学习科目,并能就最喜欢的科目进行询问和回答。

2) 总结what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句的构成方式及回答。

3) 通过不同的形式的训练熟练掌握运用what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句来提问问题并能正确回答。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1)总结what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句的构成方式及回答。

2)通过不同的形式的训练熟练掌握运用what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句来提问问题并能正确回答。

2. 教学难点:

通过不同的形式的训练熟练掌握运用what, who, why引导的特殊疑问句来提问问题并能正确回答。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.

2. Review the subjects and the days we learned. Review the descriptions.

T: Who can say all the days we learned?

S1: Monday, Friday and Saturday.

T: Who can say all the subjects we learned?

S2: Chinese, math, English, geography, history, science, art, music, P.E.

T: Very good! Who can say the descriptions?

S3: fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing

T: Now tell your partner what you think of the subjects. You can say them like this:

I think Chinese is interesting. I think math is…

(Ss say something about all the subjects.)

3. Ask and answer with your partner about the favorite subjects and the reasons. e.g.

S1: What's your favorite subject, Xiao Ming?

S2: My favorite subject is music.

S1: Why do you like music?

S2: Because it's relaxing.

(Ss ask and answer with his or partner.)

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 阅读指导:

定义: 是以特殊疑问词开头,提出疑问的句子,也称wh-问句。

句型结构: 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句? 注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的语序则用陈述句语序。

疑问词 含义 例句

what “什么”用来询问事物 What’s his favorite sports?


who “谁”用来询问某人的身份 —Who is your math teacher?


—My English teacher is Ms. Sun.


where “哪里”用来提问地点 —Where is your pencil box? 你的铅笔盒在哪里?

—It’s on the desk. 在书桌上。

why “为什么”用来询问原因 —Why do you like playing ping-pong?


—Because it’s fun. 因为有趣。

when “何时”用来询问时间 —When is your mother’s birthday?


—It’s on September 17th. 9月17日。

how “怎么”对某人/某情况提问 —How are you? 你好吗?

—I’m fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。

how old “多大”,用来询问年龄 —How old is your brother? 你弟弟多大了?

—He’s eight. 他八岁了。

how much “多少钱;多少”用来询问价格或不可数名词的数量 —How much are the shorts? 这条短裤多少钱?

—They’re thirteen yuan. 13元钱。

How much milk is there in the cup?


2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

① 你最喜欢的科目是什么?______ your_______ subject?

② 我最喜欢的科目是科学。 My _______ _________ is _________.

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标签: science   初一英语教案
