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初一英语Unit 9 My favorite subject is science教案

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9210

Check the answers with the class.

4. Retell Yu Mei's letter.

Show Yu Mei's schedule on the screen. Let Ss try to retell the letter.


Time Subject/Activities Time Subjects/Activities

8:00 to 8:50 math 12:00 to 1:00 have lunch

9:00 to 9:50 science 1:00 to 1:50 Chinese

10:00 to 10:50 history 2:00 to 2:50 art

11:00 to 11:50 P.E.

Ss try to retell the letter. T gives them some help if they need.

Ⅱ. Reading

1. T: Dale can't meet Mei Ling on Friday afternoon. He's really busy. So he writes an e-mail to Mei Ling to tell her about it. Number these parts of an e-mail message [1-3].

指导:应根据邮件的内容及格式来确定顺序,可知开头为有Hi, Mei Ling的片段;结尾为有Dale署名的片段。

2. Ss read the parts of the e-mail message and number them.

3. Let some Ss read the right message to check the answer.

4. Ss read the e-mail message aloud and try to remember the e-mail message.

Ⅲ. Writing

1. T: Look at the chart in 3b. Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday. Write the time on the left and the subjects on the right. Then read out your schedule to your partner. Let your partner check your schedule.

2. Ss fill in the schedule by themselves and read them to his or partner.

Ⅳ. Writing

1. T: Linda is your new friend. She wants to meet you on Friday. But you are really busy on Friday. Write an e-mail to tell her about your Friday. If you don't have any idea, you may review the e-mail in 3a or the letter in 2b.


① Thanks for your e-mail. 谢谢你的邮件。

② It’s Friday today. I’m really busy./I’m really busy on Friday 今天是星期五。我很忙。

③ I have …classes in the morning and … in the afternoon. 上午我有……节课,下午……节课。

④ At …, I have …. Then at …, I have …. Next, … 在……点,我上……。然后在……点。接下来……。

⑤ ….class is from …to …. ……课从……到……。

⑥ After that, I have …for … 之后,我上……课……时间。

⑦ … is my favorite subject. ……是我最喜欢的科目

⑧ I like/don’t like it because it’s …. 我喜欢/不喜欢它,因为它是……。

⑨ I think it’s … 我想它是……的。

2. Ss read the e-mail in 3a and the letter in 2b. Then try to write the e-mail to Linda about his or her Friday. (T goes around the class to offer some help. )

3. Ss read their e-mail to their partners. Then check each other's e-mail.

4. Let some Ss read their e-mail to the class to give a possible version.

Ⅴ. Self Check 1

1. T: Let's review all the school subjects we learned. Who wants to have a try?

S1: Chinese, math, English, history, geography, science, music, P.E. art

T: Very good! Who want to have a try again?

(S2:… S3:… S4: …)

2. T: Next let's review the descriptions we learned. Who wants to have a try?

S5: interesting, fun, difficult, easy, boring, useful…

T: Very good! Who want to have a try again?

(S6:… S7:… S8: …)

3. T: Then let's review the days in a week. Who wants to have a try?

S9: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

T: Very good! Who want to have a try again?

(S10:… S11:… S12: …)

4. Now look at the chart in Self Check 1. Add more words in each box.

(Ss write more words in each box.)

5. Let some Ss read out their answers.

Ⅵ. Self Check 2

1. (Ask a student some questions as a model for the Self Check 2)

T: What is your favorite subject?

S1: English.

T: Why do you like English?

S1: Because it's interesting.

T: Who is your English teacher?

S1: Mr. Wu.

T: When is your English class?

S1: They're on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

2. Now, please read the questions in Self Check 2 and complete the questions with what, when, who, or why. (指导:应从句意、句子结构,特别是句子的主语等方面来综合考虑该用哪一个特殊疑问词。比如,第一句中,主语your favorite subject是事物,因此应用特殊疑问词what。其他思考方法相同。)

3. Ss complete the questions by themselves.

4. Let some pairs ask and answer about the conversations to check the answers.

5. Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the questions.

Ⅶ. Exercises

If there's some more time left, show some exercises on the screen and finish them.


1. Review the whole unit.

2. Write a letter to your pen friend to tell him or her your busy Monday (Tuesday…) day.



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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