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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9811

S4: Eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.

T: What are the main activities about Christmas?

S5: Decorate a Christmas tree, put up stockings and give each other gifts.

T: What are the Spring Festival’s gifts?

S6: Greeting cards and lucky money.

T: And Christmas Day’s gifts?

S7: Greeting cards and Christmas presents.

T: What are the Spring Festival’s foods?

S8: Dumplings.

T: Christmas Day’s?

S9: Turkey and Christmas cakes.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)

完成2a, 2b。

1. (让学生完成2a的练习。)

T: Yesterday was Halloween. Julia had a wonderful time with her friends. Then she wrote a letter to Kangkang. Here are several new words and phrases. Let’s learn them.


knock on/at, shout, trick or treat

T: Now read the letter and fill in the blanks in 2a.


T: Who’d like to write your answers on the blackboard?

was, had, wore, gave, didn’t play, tell

(让学生观察, 判断以上动词用的是什么形式。)

T: These words are verbs. What form of these verbs do we use?

Ss: Simple past form.

T: Yes, we use the past form of the verbs except the last one.


T: Please find out more verbs in the simple past form in the letter, and circle them.


T: Please tell us what you have found.


T: Can you say some more verbs and their past forms that we have learned?

S1: Sing—sang.

S2: Buy—bought.


2. (结对活动。两人一组,互相介绍万圣节的习俗。)

T: Work in pairs. Please introduce Halloween to your partner.

T: S3 and S4, tell the class what you know about Halloween.

S3: When is Halloween?

S4: It’s on October 31st.

T: Very good. S5 and S6, try yours.

S5: How do they celebrate it?

S6: Children play “Trick or treat!” on their neighbors.

3. (要求学生以康康的名义回信, 告诉朱丽娅一个难忘的节日。完成2b。)

T: Suppose that you were Kangkang. Would you like to write a letter back to Julia about one of your unforgettable festivals?

Ss: Yes, we’d love to.


T: Who’d like to read your letter?

S7: Dear Julia, thank you for your letter. The Lantern festival of this year is one of my unforgettable festivals …


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)

通过活动, 巩固加深对节日的理解和记忆。

1. (学唱Jingle Bells, 播放录音让学生跟唱。)

T: Today we’ll sing a song named Jingle Bells. Listen and sing after the tape.

2. (让学生根据歌曲猜测节日名称。)

T: Please listen to the song Jingle Bells again. (再次播放录音。) Can you tell me what festival this song is for?

Ss: Christmas.

T: There are a lot of songs for different festivals. Now, I’ll sing some songs. Please tell me what festivals these songs are for.


T: (唱)今天是你的生日, 我的中国。清晨我放飞一群白鸽, ……。What festival is this song for?

Ss: National Day.

T: (唱)恭喜恭喜恭喜你, 每条大街小巷, 每个人的脸上……。

Ss: Spring Festival.

T: (唱)十五的月亮, 照在家乡照在边关……。What festival is it for?

Ss: Mid-autumn Festival.

3. (是或不是。Yes or No.)








1. The Spring Festival usually comes in January or February.

2. Chinese people usually eat noodles on the Spring Festival.

3. On the Lantern Festival, people eat sweet dumplings for long life.

4. People often eat turkey and Christmas cakes on Christmas.

5. Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.

6. On the Mid-autumn Festival, people eat dumplings and enjoy the bright full moon.

7. Christmas is on December 24th.

8. Some Chinese people eat apples on the Spring Festival. They are round, like years.

9. In Spain, people eat twelve grapes for good luck in the new year.

10. Some Jewish people eat apples with honey for a sweet new year.

4. (家庭作业。)


T: Please collect some ways to celebrate the Spring Festival in different areas of China.

Section D

Section D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。

The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

International Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, hold, race, National Day, the PRC, capital, flag, burn, god

2. (1)Talk about holidays and festivals.

One of them is International Labor Day, that is May Day. It’s on May 1st. People enjoy a one-day holiday.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
