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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9811

The Dragon Boat Festival is on lunar May 5th.

October 1st is the National Day of the PRC.

(2)Talk about customs and culture.

On this day, people hold dragon boat races in many places and eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan.

The whole country celebrates the birthday of China on this day.

Before Chinese New Year, many Chinese families burn the old picture of Zao Shen, the kitchen god, to get good luck.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)

通过唱歌, 复习节日名称。引入1。

1. (复习Jingle Bells, 以小组形式竞赛。)

T: Can you sing Jingle Bells?

Ss: Yes.

T: What festival is Jingle Bells for?

Ss: Christmas.

T: OK. Please sing the song in groups. I want to see which group sings best.

G1: (唱)Dashing through the snow, …

T: Group X sings best. Congratulations.

2. (呈现本课学习的中国节假日。并教学生词。)

T: There are a lot of traditional festivals in China. For example, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival… Now, listen to me, I’ll describe another festival. Please tell me what festival it is. On that day, people hold dragon boat races, eat rice dumplings. What festival is it?

Ss: Dragon Boat Festival.

T: When is it?

Ss: It’s on lunar May 5th.

T: The Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. Now we have some new holidays, and when they come, we can have a one-day or a three-day holiday. What are they?

Ss: May Day and National Day.

T: When is May Day?

Ss: On May 1st.

T: Yes, we can also call it International Labor Day.

Ss: On National Day, we hope to go to Beijing, the capital, to watch the national flag go up.

T: When is National Day?

Ss: On October 1st.


hold, race, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, International Labor Day, capital, flag

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:11分钟)


1. T: We have learned a lot of festivals and activities, and we know each festival has a special celebrating activity. For example, on Thanksgiving, people eat turkey and pumpkin pie. On Christmas, people send Christmas cards. Boys and girls, please look at 4 and tell us what people do on other festivals?

S1: People enjoy a bright full moon on the Mid-autumn Festival.

S2: Children knock on their neighbors’ doors and shout“Trick or treat!”on Halloween.

S3: People eat sweet dumplings for good luck on the Lantern Festival.

S4: People make colorful eggs to celebrate Easter.

S5: Children get lucky money as new year gifts on the first day of the Spring Festival.

S6: Chinese people celebrate the birthday of China on National Day.

People play tricks on others on April Fool’s Day.

People enjoy a one-day holiday on the Dragon Boat Festival.

T: OK, very good!


T: Listen to 4 and repeat it.

2. (阅读短文,了解更多有关节日的信息。完成1。)

T: Good! Do you want to know more about some festivals?

Ss: Yes.

(1) (让学生阅读1中的课文, 并将节假日的相关信息填入表格。)

T: Please read the passage in 1. Find out the information about holidays and festivals, then complete the table.

(2) (核对答案。)

T: Now let’s check the answers. What is the holiday in the first paragraph?

Ss: International Labor Day.

T: When is it?

Ss: On May 1st.

T: How do people celebrate?

Ss: Go shopping or traveling.

Holiday or festival Date Activity


Labor Day May 1st go shopping or traveling

Dragon Boat Festival lunar May 5th hold dragon boat races, eat rice dumplings

to remember Qu Yuan

National Day October 1st watch the national flag go up

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)


1. (播放1录音, 让学生跟读。)

T: Listen to 1 and repeat it.

2. (让学生根据表格内容, 描述节日。)

T: Please try to describe the holidays or festivals according to the table.

S1: May Day is on May 1st. People often go shopping or traveling.

S2: The Dragon Boat Festival is on lunar May 5th. People hold dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings.

S3: National Day is on October 1st. People watch the national flag go up.

3. (让学生谈论1中节日的活动或相关故事。)

T: Now talk about activities or stories about the festivals mentioned in 1.

S4: We have a one-day holiday on May Day. We often go shopping or traveling.

S5: We have a three-day holiday on National Day. We enjoy watching the national flag go up.

S6: As Qu Yuan was so loved by people, the fishermen in his hometown rushed out in long boats when they heard of his death, playing the drums to scare the fish away, and throwing Zongzi, a kind of rice dumpling, into water to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuan’s body.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)

通过练习, 完成2, 3。

1. (听2录音,完成2。根据听到的内容,给图片标上正确的序号。)

T: Boys and girls. Here are some beautiful pictures, can you tell me what they are about?


Ss: Yes. They are about different festivals.

T: Good. Please listen to the tape and number the pictures in the right order you hear.


T: What’s the right order?

Ss: 5—2—3—1—4.

2. (告诉学生春节还有其他很多活动。让学生阅读3的节日描写范文, 并向伙伴介绍其中的风俗习惯。)

T: People do different activities to celebrate the Spring Festival in different areas. Please read the passage in 3 and find out the customs about the festival.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
