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[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9623

3、Many v________ from different countries come to China every year.

4、On our last school trip we went to the a___________. We saw sharks

seals and many sea animals there.

5、He is a kind and _________(love) man.

6、The animal is ill. But it's ______(live)

7、He ______the first prize . He was the ______of the English Competition (win).

8、You are too young ________ (go) to school.

9、She started ________ ( hiccup) in 1990.

10、She learned ____ (ride) a bike from her father many years ago.

11、There __________ (be) some boxes of milk in my bag yesterday.

12、-Where________you________(meet) the famous actor? -I met him in Beijing.

13、Linda, with a lot of flowers, _____ (come) from Beijing.

14、She _____ (can) count from 1 to 100 when she was four years old.

15、He can play many _________ ( piece ) of music.



learn,have,start,write, call,sleep,live,go,give,not have

1. I ________ to ride a bike when I was four years old.

2. Students usually ________ learning English in primary schools.

3. They ________ a big party to celebrate (庆祝) the harvest last October.

4. Professor Li stopped ______ after he had a heart disease.

5. I _____ Lucy last night, but she was not at home.

6. They ____ to the park last Sunday.

7. Bob was so tired that he ____earlier than usual.

8. My mother ________me a present last Christmas.

9. Mrs. Li ___ here many years ago.

10. She was in a hurry, so she ________ time to cook for you.


warm, call, light, but, danger, above, believe, sink, must, land, towards, try

Not many people have seen (看见)icebergs. Sailors(船员)sometimes see them but they (1)__________ to keep away from them. We call the top and bottom (底部)of the world the North and South Poles(极点). Here there is ice over the sea and the (2)__________. The ice is often thousands of meters thick(厚). The ice often moves slowly down (3)__________ the sea . Then big pieces of ice break off and float(漂浮)on the sea . We (4)__________ these big pieces Office“icebergs”.

Most of an iceberg is under the water. Ice is only a little (5)__________ than water. The top of an iceberg may not be near (6)__________ a ship, (7)__________ the ship hits the iceberg below the water. Then the ship (8)__________. Sometimes the water becomes (9)_______. The bottom of the iceberg becomes smaller and smaller. Then it turns right over. Sometimes it hits a ship. Icebergs are often very beautiful but they are also (10)_____.


Tom, an eight-year-old boy, was ill. He had a cough. His mother was very worried and took him to see a doctor. The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, “Tom, nothing serious.” Them he gave him some medicine. Here are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.


Take three times a day after meals.

Dose(剂量): Grown-up: 2 spoons each time

Children, 8-12 years: one spoon; 4-7 years: 1/2 spoon

Not fit for children below the age of 4 years.

Notes: 1.Keep it in a cold place. 2. Using before Dec.2008.

Tel & Fax: 020-56317708 E-mail: www.cmxc.com.

Add: No.10 Baiyun Road, Guangzhou.

1. Tom should take __spoons a day.

A. one B. six C. three D. 1/2

2.The medicine should be kept

A. in a fridge B. in a hot place C. in a cold place D. under the table

3.Tom should have the medicine_

A. before meals B. after meals C. before dinner D. before lunch

4. Tom can use the medicine

A. before Dec.2008 B.before Oct.2007 C. after Dec.2008 D. at any time

5. This medicine was made in

A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Guangzhou D. Hong Kong


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语教案
