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当前位置: 小智贝文库中小学教学初中学习网初三学习辅导初三英语辅导资料初三英语教案Ive broken my arm.教学案

Ive broken my arm.教学案

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9586

3.If you are bitten (cut by teeth) by an animal, wash the cut under cold running water. Cover the broken part, if there is any , with a piece of clean cloth.Then see a doctor as soon as possible.( )

4.If you are burnt (hurt by fire or something very hot), cool the burnt part at once.Run cool (not cold) water over the burn until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.( )

5. If there is a fire, never use a lift in the building, because it’s very dangerous.The lift may get trapped between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.( )



Mr. Green worked in an office. He had no wife or children.And he lived in an old house alon e.He liked nothing but drinking. He almost spent all his money drinking.Sometimes he was hungry, he had to borrow some money from his friends to buy a little food. One evening he met a friend of his in the street.The man asked him to have dinner in a restaurant He was glad and drank a lot.When they left there at midnight, he couldn’t stand. The man had to stop a taxi and asked the driver to take him home. Soon they got to the door of his house, with the help of the driver, he got out of the car.

“Thank you, sir.” said Mr. Green.“Now I can open the door myself.”

The taxi went away, but he couldn’t put the key into the keyhole. He was trying to do it when a policeman came.

“Can I help you put the key into the keyhole, sir?”

“Thank you, sir.” said Mr. Green.“The house is circling now. If you can stop it now, I can open the door myself.”

( )1.Mr. Green liked drinking very much.

( )2.Mr. Green couldn’t stand because he drank more than he could.

( )3.A friend asked Mr. Green to have dinner because he was so hungry.

( )4.The taxi driver sent Mr. Green home and helped him out of the car.

( )5.The house turned round and round, so Mr. Green couldn’t open the door himself.


Helen, 12,went to see a doctor. She had a bad cough , so the doctor gave her some cough medicine. These are the words on the bottle of medicine:

(adults: 成年人 teaspoonful: 茶匙)

Cough Medicine

Shake(摇晃)well before use.

Take three times a day after meals.

Adults: 2 teaspoonful

Children: 8—14 1 teaspoonful

Children: 4---7 0.5 teaspoonful

Not for children below the age of 4.

Keep in a cold place.

Use before October, 2006.


Helen didn’t and the doctor gave them some medicine to take.

Helen should take a day.

Children at the age of 3 take the medicine.

The medicine shouldn’t be kept in .

Helen or her parents should the left medicine after the tenth month of 2006.


It was December25,1972, Marie Orr, a 13-year-old Australi an girl, was happy. It was C 1 and Marie’s mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins into the c 2 . The four small coins were for good luck. After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake.When they f 3 the cake, there were three coins on the table. One coin was m 4 . Marie’s mother didn’t notice.

After Christmas Marie got i 5 . She coughed and couldn’t speak. Six weeks later she felt better, but she s 6 couldn’t speak.So Marie went to hospital.Doctor in the hospital looked at Marie.They took an X 7 . Marie’s mother asked the doctor, “ Why can’t Marie talk?” The doctors said, “We don’t know. Maybe she will speak again. Maybe she won’t. We’re sorry,but we can’t help her.”

For twelve years Marie didn’t speak. She grew up and got a job. But she never speaks.One day when Marie was 25 years old, she got ill. She began to cough. She coughed up a lot of b 8 . She also coughed up s 9 small and black from her

t 10 . What was it ? Marie didn’t know.She took it to the hospital. A doctor said,“This is a coin.” The doctor told Marie,“I think you can speak again.”Soon Marie began talking.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______



Satur day , June 5th , 2006

Early in the morning, Mum and Dad went out to visit their friends. Only grandpa and I stayed at home. Suddenly Grandpa fell down and …

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