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Ive broken my arm.教学案

[10-15 23:19:20]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9586

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 I've broken my arm.教学案


1.His i__ ___ were bad, so he went to hospital.

2.The baby sat on my k¬__ ___.

3. The doctor felt the child's f____ ____ and found the fever was gone.

4. She died of an heart a____ __.

5. A driver must think of s___ ___ first.

6. Have you written that letter? “I will do so i___ ___, sir.”

7. Camels can s____ ___ for many days with no water.

8. After the _____ __ (事故),he had treatment in hospital.

9. his _____ __ (治疗)worked well.

10.She _______ _ (昏倒)when she heard the terrible news.


1. Luckily, they ___ _ (not trap)in the accident.[来源:学+科+网]

2. He has trouble __ ___ (get) the driver’s license.

3. A survey __ ___ (do ) in October on English studying.

4. The guy will a deep ___ __ (interested)in mountain climbing.

5. His will __ ____ (survive) saved him again.

6. --Have you been to Hongkong?

--Yes, I __ ___ (go ) there last year.

7. Making good ___ __ (decide )is important.

8. Put it under ___ ___ ( run) water.

9. She was also told ____ _ (not do )P.E. for six weeks.

10. My mother often burned ____ _ (she ) while cooking.



What you ? I _____ ______ ______ and now I’m ____ ____ ____ .


_____ __________ _____, he _____ __________ _____ his b ike.


I ____ _____ __________ _____I was cooking.


The headmaster _____ __________ _____this ,our school __________ _____ the best record.

5.15% 的学生从未出过事故。

15% of the students have never _____ ______ _________ _______.

6. 医生让我拍了X照片,并包扎了绷带。

The doctor asked me to ____ _____ _______ _______ and he ____ _____ _____ _____it.


_____ _____ _________ ______ is important when an accident happens.


_____ _____ _____ _____save his ______ _____life , he _____ _______ _____his arm.


( )1. —Are these apples enough for you all?

-I’m afraid not . _____ are need.

A .Much more B. Many more C. More many D. Too much

( )2.Since you are _____ trouble, why not ask _____ help?

A in ,for B.in , to C.with ,for D.with ,to

( )3. Nice to meet you, Jim! It’s one year since I last ____ you.

A .met B .meet C .meeting D. have met

( )4. He speaks English ______ American, so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years.

A .as good as B. worse than C . as badly as D .as well as

( )5. -----Have you read this book?

-----Yes, it’s my favorite book. I ___ it twice.

A. is reading B. have read C. will read D. read

( )6. ----I’m afraid I can’t go fishing with you today,I’ve got a bad cold.

---- _______.

A.What a pity B. Good luck C. That’s right D. All right

( )7.----What will you shout when you are in danger?

---- .

A. I’m afraid B.SOS C .Help D .Please

( )8. What to her yesterday evening?

A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen

( )9. I see three men on a bus. A speaks English and Japanese, C only talks with B. B can

speak Chinese and English.What does C speak? He speaks ______.

A .English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. English and Japanese

( )10 .The twins were born _____ a Friday evening.

A.in B.at C.on D. of

( )11 .You ’d better keep them ____, _____you?

A .safe ,hadn’t B.safe,didn’t C.safely, hadn’t D.safely, didn’t

( )12.----Look! What is _____ over there?

----Oh,dear! The house is on fire. Let’s call _____quickly.

A . happening ,120 B. happening , 119 C. happened ,122 D. happened ,110

( )13 .It’s over ________ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.

A. three hours’ drive B. three hour’s drive

C. three hours’s drives D. three hours drive

( )14. Many people were _____ by the tsunami(海啸)in India .

A .hurt B. to hurt C. hurted D.hurting

( )15. ---I’m sorry, I have brok en your cup.

---Oh, really ? ______.

A.Don’t be sorry B.It’s nothing with it

C. It doesn’t matter D. It’s all right with me

( )16. ---Hi, Kate.You look tired.What’s the matter?

---I ____ ____ well last night

A .didn’t sleep B. don’t sleep C.haven’t slept D.won’t sleep

( )17 .---Oh, Mrs King, your dress looks nice. Is it new?

---No, I ___ it since two years ago.

A. had B. bought C. have had D. have b ought

( )18. Mum, I won’t go to bed _____ I have finished my homework.

A. after B. since C. until D. as soon as

( )19. Students ____ slippers when they are at school.

A .don’t allow to B. are not allowed to wear

C .are not allowed to put on D. are not allowed wearing

( )20. There is ____ with him. He will be all right soon.

A. something serious B. serious something

C. nothing serious D. serious nothing


A: Hi, Tom. Why can’t you do P.E today?

B: 1 ?

A: I see. 2 .

B : I fell off my bike.

A : Sorry to hear that. 3 .

B :Yes. I went to the clinic yesterday, the X-ray showed that my arm was not serious.

A : OK. 4 .

B : Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.

A : Don’t worry. Just take care of yourself 5 .

B : Thank you .

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
