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高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 )

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9380

5 . It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcast began .

A . while B . which C . that D . since






This kind of disease is caused by flies .

〖点拨〗fly作动词的常见搭配有:fly nonstop from Shanghai to New York从上海直飞纽约。fly a kite放风筝。fly from从……逃亡。fly at攻击(不用被动语态)。let fly (at) 射击

2. absence不在;缺席

His absence from school was caused by illness . 他缺课是因为生病。

〖点拨〗absence为不可数名词,但是,在表达“一次缺席或者不在”时是可数名词。如:He made up a wonderful story to explain his several absences .

He returned after an absence of twenty minutes .

注意:absence的形容词是absent 。常见搭配有:during one’s absence某人不在时。be absent from school ( work , home ) 没上学(不上班,不在家)。

3. truth真相;实际情况

The whole truth has come out . 真相已水落石出。

〖点拨〗truth to tell you =to tell (you ) the truth说真的。这是个固定词组,在句中作状语。如:To tell you the truth , he stole books from the bookstore .

4. charge费用;价钱;索价

What are your charges for the room ? 住房费是多少 ?

The exhibition is open to the public without charge .

〖点拨〗charge sb + 钱 + for sth因……收费……。How much do you charge for …? ……多少钱 ?如:The hotel charged me 50 yuan for a room for the night .

How much do you charge for a haircut ?

5. determine决定;决心

We determine to buy a computer .

〖点拨〗be determined to do =make up one’s mind to do下决心干…… 。

6. permit许可;执照;营业证;允许

You can’t enter the research center without a permit .

〖点拨〗permit sb to do允许某人干……。permit doing允许干……。如:

We don’t permit smoking here .

注意:permit常用在独立主格结构中。如:Time permitting , we’ll have a meeting this evening . =If time permits , …

另外,注意permit的现在分词、过去式和过去分词要双写词尾:permitting , permitted 。

7. prison监狱

She was sentenced to two years in prison . 她被判两年徒刑。

〖点拨〗注意,当prison表示蹲监狱时,其前不用冠词。如:go to prison进监狱。be in prison住监狱。 break prison越狱。

〖误〗She has gone to prison for five months .

〖对〗She has been in prison for five months .

She went to prison five months ago .

8. couple夫妇;一对

They are a newly married couple .

〖点拨〗couple (侧重种类不同) , 而 pair侧重一套和配对性。the couple作主语时其后的谓语可以用单数,这时把它看成一个整体。另外,a couple of可以表示“几个”。如:

The young couple seems / seem excited .

They keep / raise a couple of dogs . 他们养了几只狗。


1. treat … as , consider … as , regard … as , look on / upon …as , take …as , think of…as 把……当作。如:

She looked on him as her best friend .

2. How did you find …?= What do you think of … ?你认为……怎么样 ?/你是如何发现的 ?

3. come back , be back , go back , get back回;归

He’ll go back after dinner .

4. on one’s own独自、靠自己。of one’s own属于自己的。如:

Can you carry your luggage on your own ?

I’d like to have a room of my own .

5. be angry about / at sth对某事生气。be angry with sb 。(be有时换作 get )

6. this way这边走;这般;如此

She always works (in) this way .

Will you please come this way ?

7. lay / set the table摆桌子(准备吃饭)

8. by accident= by chance 意外地;偶然地

9. on vacation度假

“度假”还可以用:on holiday , have a vacation , have a holiday , take a vacation / holiday , on leave 。

10. from side to side左右。side by side肩并肩。from all sides从四面八方。

11. in common共用;有共同之处

They have a lot in common .

Has a balloon anything in common with a plane ?

In common with many young people , he prefers popular music .

12. get in touch with和……联系

They promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States .

注意:lose touch with和……失去联系。keep in touch with和……保持联系。keep in close touch with和……保持密切的联系。

13. for oneself自己亲自干…… ;为自己

He opened the window to see for himself .

by oneself独自地,of oneself自动地,in oneself本来;原来,to oneself专用。如:He has a room to himself .

14. or rather更确切地说

They knew , or rather thought that their father was on the same train .

We got home late last night , or rather , early this morning .

15. be up to sth在做某事;有能力做

What is he up to now ? =What is he busy in doing ?

He was not up to the work that had been given him .

注意:be up to sb由某人干……

It’s up to me to help you .

16. take time over sth花时间干……

Two hours is a long time to take over a coffee .

I usually take about half an hour over my breakfast .

How long are you going to take over the meeting ?

17. on one’s own独自;靠自己的力量

You have to make a decision on your own .

18. have a telephone message from从……接到一个电话通知

19. be to do准备干……

Who is to speak at the meeting ?

20. book … for订……

You have to book three seats for your journey .

21. put the charge on the bill把费用记在……的帐上

Please put the charge for electricity on my bill .

22. turn up出现;到场;露面;开大

She didn’t turn yesterday .

23. in public公开地;在大庭广众之下

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语教案
