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高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 )

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9380

1 . From the passage we can know the writer _______ .

A . is from Africa B . is from America

C . is a visitor D . is a scientist

2 . “a fine rain”here may mean _______ .

A . 好雨 B . 春雨 C . 细雨 D . 大雨

3 . One the way of the ants\' moving , little animals ______ .

A . were all killed B . were all distroyed

C . were all driven away D . were all badly tormented

4 . Why was the writer stopped to rush across the group of the ants ? Because ________ by the ants .

A . he would be eaten up B . he would badly itch

C . he would be bitten D . he would be badly wounded

5 . Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?

A . Having An Investigation B . The Bad Ants In Africa

C . Ants Moving D . Ants Eating Little Animals

答案及简析:1 . D。从作者和几位非洲朋友去森林考察,可知作者不是非洲人,是从事考察的科学家。2 . C。可以想象到,只有在下细雨时,雨滴打在物体上会发出沙沙的声音。 3 . A。eat up 是“吃掉 ( 完 ) ”的意思,也意味着被杀光的意思。D项后没有 to death , 只意味着“被折磨”,而没有“死去”的意思。 4 . C。从故事的描述来看,人不可能被吃掉,只是被咬伤后引起其它的不适或病症。 5 . C。一篇故事的题目须体现故事的主题。这篇故事的主线是作者看到蚂蚁搬家时的情景,因此是故事的主题。






1 . 省略主语。

(I) Beg your pardon .

(You) Come to the front and act out the dialogue .

(It) Doesn\'t matter .

2. 省略谓语或谓语的一部分。

(Is) Anything the matter?

I helped Tom more than John(did) .

John came in September but Bob(came) in October .

3. 省略宾语

“Do you know his girlfriend?”“No, I don\'t know (his girlfriend)”

Mary washed(the shirts), Jane ironed ( the shirts) , and Alice folded the shirts .

4. 省略主语和谓语(或谓语一部分)


Coral is not a plant but(it it\\s) a variety of animal life .

“Do you like this TV play?”“Yes, (I like it) very much . ”

(It\'s a) Pity you couldn\'t come .

Unless(it is) necessary, we mustn\'t speak Chinese at the English evening .

5. 省略不定式中的动词,只保留不定式符号to。

“Will you come to dine with me?”“

“I\'d like/love to (come to dine with you) . ”

注:单独使用动词不定式符号to,来代替整个动词不定式,主要是以下一些动词,expect, prefer, come mean, forget, want, wish, hope, try等。

6. 句子省略,只保留一个wh-疑问句。

He will come back, but I don\'t know when (he will come back) .

Before he could ask why (she wanted to stop), the woman was out of the car .

7. 关系代词省略

a)在限定性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词常常被省略。 如:

This is the book (that/which) I read last week .

b)that引导的定语从句修饰day, time, way, distance, manner等表示时间、距离、方式、频度等意义的先行词时常被省略。如:

I arrived here the day(that) he left .

the way(that) people do things

8. 在以what, how开头的感叹句中,常省略句子的主语it和系动词be。如:

What a wonderful victory(it is) for me?

How funny (it is) to skate in winter!

9. 在独立主格结构中的being和having being可以省略。

The meeting (being) over, we all went home .

All the tickets(having being) sold out, we had to go again the next day .

10. 在一问一答的对话中,答话常用省略句。如:

“How long have you lived here?”“(I\'ve lived here for) Five years . ”

“Where does your brother study?”“(He studies at) No . 4 Middle School . ”





1 . I haven \' t heard from her since she lived in Shanghai .



【析】在 since 引导的时间状语从句中,不管用的是瞬间动词或延续性动词,都是表示动作或状态的完成或结束。

2 . The film is not interesting and instructive .



【析】not . . . and . . . 连接两个对等成分表示部分否定,实际上是一种否定转移现象,常译成“……但不……”。这时 not 实际上是否定后面的部分,肯定 and 前面的部分。

3 . I \' m used to living in the countryside .



【析】“be used to + 名词或动名词”,习惯于……,“used to + 动词原形”,过去常常……。如:I used to live in the countryside when I was small . 我小时候,常常住在乡下。

4 . The ship is in repair .



【析】船正在修理。可说 The ship is under repair .

5 . All of them cannot swim .



【析】all , every , both 等与 not 连用,是“部分否定”,如:I don \' t like both ofthe novels . 这两本小说我并不都喜欢。Every one cannot make music . 不是每一个人都懂

音乐的。“全部否定”要用 no , none 等词,如:“他们都不会游泳”可说:None of them can swim .

6 . I have passed over this article .



【析】pass over 是“忽略”,“不注意”。“看过”可说 run over , look through等。

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语教案
