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高二英语第一单元教案:Extensive Reading

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9724

T:Good job.I can see that you took the homework serious and surf the Internet to surf for a lot of information.

Step 3 Getting the general idea

Get the students to read the passage and get the answers to the following questions.

T:Now let’s read an article about Lin Qiaozhi.Please read the passage and get the answers to the following questions.You have four minutes to go.

1.What was the writer’s problem?

2.What did he decide to do at last?Why?

3.Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi?

4.What are Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements mentioned in the passage?

T:Time is up.Have you got the answers?


T:Now who can answer the first question?

S:1.The writer did not know which subject to choose to study at university among English,biology and chemistry.

T:Right.What about the second one?

S:2.He decided to study medicine.Because he was moved by Lin Qiaozhi.

T:Is he right?


T:Good.The next one?

S:3.There are many words such as busy,hard work,determination,good nature,kindness and consideration that can be used to describe Lin Qiaozhi.

T:It’s very careful of you to have been able to find out so many words.In these words some are about her character and some are about her personality.Character is how she behaved in her work or towards others;while personality is to describe what she is like.Do you understand?


T:What about the last one?

S:4.She wrote some books and articles about women’s diseases.

S:She got a medical training for her career.

S:She became a specialist in women’s diseases.

S:She had made sure that about 50 000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.

T:If we combine all your answers,they will make a perfect answer.

Step 4 Scanning and language focus

T:We have got the general understanding of the passage now.Next I would like you to listen to the tape and read the passage again.After you finish reading,you should have got the answers to these questions:

1.1.When the writer was surfing the Internet,what drew her attention?

2.Was it difficult for Lin Qiaozhi to get a medical training?

3.What had got her into medical school?

4.What made Lin Qiaozhi famous?

5.What were most of Lin Qiaozhi’s stories about?

T:Time is up.Who can answer the first question?

S:1.When the writer was surfing the Internet,a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy.

T:How did you know that it drew his attention?

S:He said the book caught his eye.

T:So here “something catch one’s eye” means...?

Ss:It means “draw one’s attention某物吸引某人的注意,某人看到了某物”.

T:Good.(writes “ sth.catch one’ eye= sth.catch one’s attention/sb.see sth.” on the blackboard)

What about a book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy?What does it mean?

S:In Chinese,it means 一本介绍如何在妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中通过一些使婴儿保持清洁健康的简单规则来降低死亡率的书。“explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies by following some simple rules for keeping babies clean and healthy” is the attribute.

T:Good.( writes “v.-ing as attribute” on the blackboard and gives more examples with ing as the attribute) 

Let’s see the second question.

S:2.Yes,it was difficult for Lin Qiaozhi to get a medical training.

T:Yes or no?


T:How did you know?

Ss:The first sentence in the third paragraph.

T:Can you understand the sentence?

Ss:Yes/ No.

T:Who can explain the sentence?

S:Let me try.This is a complex sentence.The first “it” is an empty subject and the real subject is how difficult it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when women’s education was always placed second to men’s. The second “is” also an empty subject.It stands for “to get a medical training for a woman so long ago when women’s education was always placed second to men’s”.“when women’s education was always placed second to men’s” is a relative clause to modify “long ago”.In Chinese,the whole sentence means “在那久远的年代,当女性的教育总是低于男性的时候,一个女子去学医一定是相当困难的,这想法闪电般地闪过我的脑海。”

T:Good.(writes and explains “modal verb + have been” and “place A second to B” on the blackboard,giving more examples) Let’s see the third question.What had got her into the medical school?

S:3.It was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that had got her into medical school.

T:The next one?What made Lin Qiaozhi famous?Was it her success at university that had made her famous?


S:4.It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients made her famous.

T:How did you get the answer?

S:I got the answer from the two sentences—It was not her success at university that had made her famous.It was her kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients.“It was...that” is a structure used to emphasize “not her success at university” and “her kindness and consideration”.So we can see the two sentences mean that not her success at university but her kindness and consideration had made her famous.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语教案
