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高二英语第一单元教案:Extensive Reading

[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9724

T:Absolutely right.Very good job!(writes the structure “It is...that...” on the blackboard)

It was not her success at university that had made her famous.

It was her kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients that had made her famous.

Now please pay attention to the boldface:It was...that...This is a structure used to emphasize some speech of a sentence.For example:John saw her in the garden yesterday afternoon.We may say:

It was John that/who saw her in the garden yesterday afternoon.(subject)

It was her that/who John saw in the garden yesterday afternoon.(object)

It was in the garden that John saw her yesterday afternoon.(place adverbial)

It was yesterday afternoon that John saw her in the garden.(time adverbial)

T:Please look at the sentences on the blackboard.Is there any connections between them?

S:Oh,if we take the structure away,the other parts of the sentence will make a simple sentence.

T:Bingo.If fact,when we want to stress a person,we can use “that or who” while in other situations we can only used “that”.Do you have any questions about the structure?


T:So let’s do some practice to see whether you really grasp the structure.

(Get the students to do some practice by emphasizing the underlined part of the sentences.)

At the supermarket I met my former classmate.

My cousin turned home from Britain last year.

I rather than you helped her out of the trouble.

Keys:It was at the supermarket that I met my former classmate.

It was from Britain that my cousin turned home last year.

It was I rather than you that/ who helped her out of the trouble.

T:Now let’s come to the last question.What were most of Lin Qiaozhi’s stories about?

S:5.Most of her stories were about how she went late a night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.

T:Deliver a baby means... 

S:It means give birth to a baby.

T:Good job.(writes “deliver a baby= give birth to a baby” on the blackboard)

Step 5 Retelling

Get the students to retell the passage by filling in the blanks.

Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for __________ in the __________ who were __________ __________ get to a hospital easily.It was to help them to __________ __________ their babies properly.

Qiaozhi lived in the early __________ __________.It was not __________ for women to get __________ __________ at that time.Education was for men __________ and women __________.She chose to study at medical college because she wanted __________ __________ other women.

I think Lin Qiaozhi is a good doctor and __________ __________ __________.

Keys:The 1st paragraph:mothers,countryside,not able to,look after

The 2nd paragraph:twentieth century,easy,medical training,first,second,to help

The 3rd paragraph:a great woman

Step 6 Homework

1.Read the passage fluently and learn by heart some important phrases and structures.

2.Read Elizabeth Fry’s story on Page 45 and finish exercise 1.

The self-reflection and feed-back after class

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