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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语教案   阅读:9521

(It is a ) Pity he's failed. 很遗憾,他失败了。

If he says he'll come, he will (come). 如果他说来,他就一定会来。

What (will happen) if it's raining 如果天下雨怎么办?

— Where is it 那东西在哪里?

—(It is) Where you left it. 就在你放的地方。

— How are you getting on with your English 你的英语学得怎么样?

— (I'm) Not (getting on) so well as I expected.没有我预计的那样好。

— Will you go abroad soon 你很快要出国吗?

— (I'll) Not (go abroad) until I graduate from the college next summer. 要到明年夏天大学毕业后才走。


①以when, while, once, until等连词引导的时间状语从句

When (you are) in Rome do as Rome does. 入国问禁,入乡随俗。

Whenever (it is) possible, you should speak English as much as you can. 在任何可能的时间,你应多讲英语。(省略的主语it并不和主句的主语一致)

Please come as soon as (it is) possible. 请尽快来。



The old machine must be checked before it is used. 这台旧机器在使用前必须检查。

【误】The old machine must be checked before used. (动词的-ed形式不可做介词的宾语)

【正】The old machine must be checked before being used.

He told me the truth after he was asked three times. 问了他三遍他才告诉我真相。

【误】He told me the truth after asked three times.

【正】He told me the truth after being asked three times.

②以as if, as though等连词引导的方式状语从句

She lay there, as if (she was) dead. 她躺在那儿,好像死了。(省略的主语和主句的主语一致)

He opened his lips as if (he were going) to say something. 他张开嘴唇,好像要说什么话似的。

③以if, unless等连词引导的条件状语从句

We shall start at eight, if (it is) convenient. 如果方便的话,我们八点钟出发。

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences, if (there are) any. 如果下面句子中有错,请加以改正。

English words are easily forgotten unless (they are) constantly repeated. 英语单词不经常重复是很容易忘记的。

④以even if, even though, though, although, whether等连词引导的让步状语从句

Frost is possible, though (it is) not probable, even at the end of May. 甚至在五月底下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性不太大。

Whether (it is) difficult or not, we will try our best to complete the task. 不管任务是否艰巨,我们都要尽力去完成。

Whatever the cause (may be), the result is certain. 不论原因是什么,结果是确定的。

Though (he is) young, he knows a lot. 他虽然年轻但懂得很多。



He hurt his leg while (he was) riding a horse. 他在骑马时伤了腿。

When (you are) cycling, don't forget the traffic lights. 骑车时,不要忘记看红绿灯。

Once (it is) seen, it can never be forgotten. 一旦看见,就永远不会忘记。

If (it is) burnt, rubber can give off a poisonous gas. 橡胶如果燃烧起来,会发出有毒气体。



James enjoys the theatre more than Susan. 詹姆斯比苏姆更喜欢戏剧。(Susan后省略了enjoys the theatre)

Tom has as many books as Jack. 汤姆有跟杰克一样多的书。(Jack后省略了has many books)


Brown speaks French as fluently as English. 布朗说法语和英语一样流利。(as后省略了he speaks)

She was more angry than frightened. 与其说她害怕,倒不如说她生气。(than后省略了She was)


Mrs White is not so young as she looks. 怀特夫人没有看上去那样年轻。(looks后省略了young)

The situation is much more delicate than it seems. 情况要比表面上看起来微妙得多。(seems后省略了delicate)


He is working harder than before. 他现在工作比过去努力多了。(than后省略了he worked hard)

There are as many students in our school as in their school. 我们学校的学生和他们学校的学生一样多。(as后省略了there are many students)


He drank a little more than was good for him. 他喝酒稍有一点过量。(than后省略了it)


You spent more money than I had expected. 你花掉的钱比我预料的多。(expected后省略了that you should spend)

I was able to borrow as many books as (what) I asked for. 我想要的许多书如数借到。


You are getting slimmer. 你越来越苗条了。(slimmer后省略了than you were before)

It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes. People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly. 不仅仅只是瞎子才犯如此愚蠢的错误。有时候,眼睛看得见的人也做出同样的蠢事。(foolishly后省略了as blind men act)



He is taller than I am. 他比我高。(am之后省略tall,补上不合习惯)


The sooner (this is done), the better (it will be). 越快越好。

(If you take) No pains, (you will make) no gains. (谚)不劳则无获。

C. 使用替代词的省略

我们在省略句子某些成分时,有时还必须加上适当的替代词,如do, so, one等,以保持句子意思的完整。



I know you better than he does. 我比他更了解你。(he does等于he knows you)

--- Have you finished your work

--- Yes, I did yesterday. (did替代finished my work)


so在expect, think, imagine, hope, suppose, believe等词后面,代替单词、词组或句子。

She became a loyal friend to me and remains so. 她成了我的一个忠诚的朋友,而且一直如此。(so替代a loyal friend)

--- Has she ever been to London 她曾到过伦敦吗

--- I don't think so. 我想她没去过。(= I don't think she has been to



也可使用do so, do that来代替动词加宾语。

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高三英语教案
