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[10-15 23:21:33]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高三英语教案   阅读:9521

He said he would make the bed for me but he didn't do so. 他说他帮我整理床铺的,但是他没有这样做。(do so代替make the bed for me)

They played cards after supper and I watched them do that. 他们晚饭后打牌,我在一旁观看。(do that代替play cards)



--- Will it rain tomorrow 明天会下雨吗

--- I hope not. 我希望不会。(= I hope it won't rain tomorrow.)

--- Can you come next week 你下星期能来吗

--- I'm afraid not. 恐怕我不能来。(= I'm afraid that I can not come.)

4.the same

the same可代替词组或从句。

The mother swept the floor and her child did the same. 母亲扫地, 孩子也跟着干。(the same代替swept the floor)

Kate ordered two fried eggs. I ordered the same. 凯特点了两个煎鸡蛋,我也点了同样的菜。(the same代替two fried eggs)

These oranges are just as sour as the last ones we had. They taste the same. 这些桔子和我们上次吃的一样酸。他们味道一样。(the same代替as sour as the last ones we had)



I haven't got any books; can you lend me one 我没有书,你能借我一本吗

The white dresses go with the hat better than the blue ones. 白色套装比蓝色套装更配这顶帽子。



Up to you!你说了算!

Believe me. 相信我。

Give me a hand. 帮我一下。

Doesn't matter. 没关系。

Me too. 我也一样。

Not yet. 还没有。

Too bad! 太糟糕啦!

Mind you!当心!

Where to 要去哪儿?

Sure, no problem. 当然,没问题。

That much 太贵了吧?

Get lost! 滚开!

So that explains it. 原来如此

Too strange to be true! 太奇怪了,不真实。

See what I mean 了解我的意思吗?



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