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We love animals教学设计

[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语教案   阅读:9291

II. Preparation:

1. Tape and recorder

2. Some word’s cards

III. Steps:

(1). Warm-up/Review

a. Sing a song: Old MacDonald, and change it.

b. Daily oral practice. For example,

T: Good morning, Mike. Nice to meet you.

S1: Hi, Miss Chen. Nice to meet you, too.

S2: …

c. Make a conversation like last lesson.

(2). Presentation

a. T: Look, I have a teddy bear. S: Oh, really? May I have a look?

T: Sure. Here you are. S: Thank you. Oh, it’s nice. I like it.

T: Thanks. ( 在复习对话的同时,也对动物进行复习,当然,事先教师准备好要新授的动物的卡片或玩具,跟学生进行对话,能者则让他看看这个东西,这样亦能激起学生的好奇心,推动他们运用所学的语言与教师进行对话。)

b. Read it together. Then T shows the new words: pig, elephant, squirrel, bear, tiger, lion, deer, fox.

c. Look at the picture and find the animals.

d. Listen, read and point.

e. Which animal do you like?

(3). Let’s do

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it if they can. 对于“hunt”的动作教师可用汉语加以解释,即“搜寻,寻找(猎物或实物)”的意思。

c. Do it and say if they can.

d. Correct the pronunciation.

IV. 教学反思:


Lesson 6

I. Teaching aims:

1. Exercise in the part of “Let’s check”.

2. Learn to say the part of “Let’s chant”. Perform it and replace it in the proper place.

3. Review the new songs in the unit.

II. Preparation:

Tape and recorder

III. Steps:

(1). Warm-up

a. Sing the song: Old MacDonald.

b. Daily oral practice. For example,

T: Good morning, Mike. Nice to meet you.

S1: Hi, Miss Chen. Nice to meet you, too.

S2: …

c. 游戏:速认速记。教师每次从词卡中挑出3张,让学生快速认记。教师说: One, two, three! 便拿掉卡片,让学生说出是哪几个单词。最快举手说对这3个词的同学可以为本组加一分。


(2). Practice

a. Let’s chant.

At first, listen to the tape.

放录音,每两句停下来,让学生跟读,并伴有手势。教师板书每句的最后一个单词,两个词为一组(cat, fat; pig, big; monkey, funny; mouse, house)。朗读每组单词,让学生找出读音中的共同点,并再给出一些生词来认读。如: cat, fat这组,给出bat, mat, hat, sat, rat等单词让学生读。从而逐渐使学生掌握拼读规则记忆单词的方法。


b. Let’s check.

Listen the tape and do it.

(3). Assessment

IV. 教学反思:


以上就是We love animals教学设计全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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