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Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

[10-15 23:24:09]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9830

以下是www.xiaozhibei.com为您推荐的 Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town


1.none : pron.既可以代替人,也可以代替物,表示三者或三者以上“一个也没有”

None of the books are/is easy. None of us are/is there.

2.life: n.in one’s life ;all one’s life;live a happy life life---lives, lively; living; alive

3.less: adj. little-less-least; many/much-more-most; less/more than; at least/ most

4.pollution :n. air/water pollution; vt. pollute ~the river

5.building: n. tall buildings vt.build-built-built

6.close: adj.亲密的 be close to ; close friends; v. close the door/ the shop is closed

adv.靠近 sit close to me / closely (adv.)仔细地 =carefully

7.far: adj.adv. far-farther/ further-farthest/furthest; far away from

8.shop :vi. shop-shopping-shopped-shopped; go shopping; shopping mall/list

9.until :prep. He did his homework until his mother came back yesterday.

He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework last night.

10.try: vt.;vi. try-tried-tried-tries-trying; try to do sth/ try one’s best to do; try

doing sth.

11.western :adj. ~countries ; in the west of…= in the western part of…

12.teach :vt. teach=teaches-taught-taught; teach sb. sth ; teach himself English

13.dirty: adj. dirtier-dirtier clean/neat

14.sick :adj.即可以作表语,也可以作定语

eg. She is sick (表语) She has s sick mother. (定语)

ill adj.表语形容词 Her mother has been ill in bed for two weeks.


eg.He has an ill temper 他脾气很坏

He often speaks ill of others. 他常说别人的坏话

15.miss : miss sth./ doing sth “错过, 没赶上”

eg. She missed the lecture.

He missed going to the meeting.

miss “怀念,思念” She misses her mother very much.


1.enjoy /like love sth./ doing sth.

2.play badminton/football/basketball/volleyball

3.take sb, to spl.

4.tell sb. about sth, tell sb.sth

5.go walking /swimming/fishing/skating/boating

6.be close to / close friends

7.most of the students=most students

8.for example cf. such as

9.take an underground to spl.=go to spl. by underground

10.at night / in the night /on the night of October 1 /on a cold night

11.need help with

12.have to do sth./ don’t have to do sth=needn’t do sth.

13.40 minutes away from the center of Beijing

14.a kilo of beaf / a packet of chips /a loaf of bread /three loaves of bread

15.have a good time /enjoy oneself / have fun

16.belong to sb. The bike belongs to me=The bike is mine

17.become good friends with sb./ make friends with sb.

18.miss the great show /miss sb, very much

19.works of art / lots of hard work

20.show sb. around spl. / take sb to visit spl.


1.How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?

2.How much dog food can we buy with that?

3.Let’s take them to the sports center.

4.There is less air pollution in Sunshine town than in other areas of Beijing.

5.There are lots of things to do in Sunshine town.

6.It is only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by underground.

7.Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us ?

8.You can shop until ten o’clock at night in most shopping malls.

9.I think thirty of each will be enough.

10.What time shall we leave in the morning?

11.I’m going to show you around my home town.

12.It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.

13.I hope you can come and visit soon!


1.掌握How many和How much谈论数量的用法





熟悉一种新的文体:录像文字稿, 写一篇以My home town为题的作文


1.掌握7B Unit 2的知识要点

2.完成<中考作业本>7B Unit 2的练习

3.复习7B Unit 3词汇,课文,语法及写作



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

标签: Welcome  Sunshine   初一英语教案
