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Unit 7 Foods and drinks Reading

[10-15 23:08:04]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9261

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Unit 7 Foods and drinks Reading

教学目标 1. input-based,阅读理解为主。

2. 让学生理解课文并正确回答课后问题。


重点和难点 1. 让学生巩固并检查自己对阅读微技能(skimming, scanning)的掌握情况:

2. 培养学生通过关键词fus2文章的能力。

教具准备 Recorder, Testbook.


Step 1. Revision

Have the Ss questions about tea.

Step 2. Pre-reading.

1).Ask Ss some questions about tea.

A. Do you like drinking tea?why?

B. Please translate “绿茶” and “红茶” in English.(green tea, black tea)

2).Show the picture on page 100, and ask Ss these following questions:

A. What happened to the farmer?

B. Why was the field so dry?

C. According to the picture ,can you guess what kind of tea is?

Step 3. While-reading

1). Ask Ss to read the passage and do the exercise ”T” or “F”.

A. In China, there are many kinds of tea. (T)

B. Nearly 2000 years ago, the crops were dying because the farmer didn’t water them.(F)

C. As soon as the dragon got out of the well, it began to rain .(T)

D. People in Australia drink tea in the same way as people in China.(F)

2). Teach Ss the important points in this lesson according to the exercise“T” or “F”.

A. die 是一个瞬间动词, be dying 用进行时态形式表示将来。类似的还有:leave ,come ,go等词。

B.as soon as 一……就……,该词组可用“主将从现”的句式。

3). Ask Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions 2,3,5 on page 100.

4). Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat.

Step 4. Post-reading

1). Give Ss some phrases, such as 2000 years ago, die ,get out of ,as soon as, save ,and ask Ss to retell the story of Dragon Well green tea.

2). Do more practice about reading in Book B.(optional)

Step 5. Homework.

1) Cpy the new words.

2) Write the story of Dragon Well green tea.



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

标签: drinks   初一英语教案
