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Unit 7 The Birthday party

[10-15 23:08:56]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9794

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 Unit 7 The Birthday party

一. 教学内容:

Unit 7 The Birthday party


单词:did 做  recite 背诵  poem  诗magic 有魔力的 trick 把戏,诡计 enjoy 喜欢  himself 他自己 kung fu  功夫 rock 摇滚乐, 岩石yesterday  昨天 ouch  哎哟 fall(fell) 倒,落下, washroom 盥洗室happen 发生 last 最后 video 录像  lie 说谎,谎言  truth 真相,真理 fact 事实,现实 ever 曾经 everyone 每人,人人 around 在……周围 silent 无声的 blow 吹,刮风 breath 气息 had 有,吃, 喝 lose 丢失funny 有趣的

词组:blow out 被(风等)吹灭 video game 电子游戏 tell a lie 撒谎

in fact 事实上,实际上

句型:1. Helen recited a poem while Maria danced ballet.

2. It’s your turn.

3. Where is the washroom, Kangkang ?

4. I went to the movies with Alice and Lisa.

5. How could you lie to me ?

6. We did see a movie.

7. No, but we went to Alice’s home and talked about it until twelve o’clock.

8. His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us .

9. We made the cards by hand .

10. We all sat around the cake.

11. Kangkang made a silent wish , and then he blew the candles out in one breath.

12. Did Kangkang enjoy himself at the party ?

13. Helen was reciting a poem while Maria was dancing ballet.

14. I missed the chair and fell down.

15. Go and wash them at once.

16. What happened to Michael at the party ?

17. Why didn’t you tell me the truth ?

18. So, did the movie and end late ?


三. 具体内容:


表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常常给出过去的点时间:…three days ago, the other day(前两天)等等。

She regretted telling Jane about her own affairs.

Doctor Chen married very late.



She said she would give me a gift when she came again.


1、Great changes ____in the city, and a lot of factories ________.

A、have been taken place, have been set up

B、have taken place, have been set up

C、have taken place, have set up

D、were taken place, were set up

答案:B take place 发生,没有被动语态。set up 可用被动语态。

2、No permission(允许,答应) has ___for anybody to enter the building.

A、been given B、given C、to give D、be giving

答案:A 没有接到允许进入大楼的通知。permission 应该用被动语态的完成时。

3、——Where _____the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.

—— ____it right here. But now it’s gone!

A、did you put , have put       B、have you put ,put

C、had you put ,was putting      D、were you putting ,have put

答案:A 如果问“你把录音机放在什么地方了?”,此句应该用现在完成时。

4、——When ____again?

——When he ____, I’ll let you know.

A、he comes , comes B、will he come, will come

C、he comes, will come D、will he come, comes

答案:D  他什么时候会再来呢?说话时还没来。有单词again,应该用将来时态。


5、My brother ____while he ____his bicycle and hurt himself.

A、fell, was riding B、fell , were riding

C、had fallen, rode D、had fallen, was riding

答案:A 我弟弟骑自行车时掉下来摔伤了。主句用一般过去时,从句用过去进行时。

6、Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _______when he ___at the party.

A、left ,had arrived B、left ,arrived

C、had left, had arrived D、had left , arrived

答案:D  汤姆很失望。当他抵达晚会时,大多数宾客都走了。“他到达时”用一般过去时,“宾客们都走了”应该用过去完成时。

7、——Come on in ,Peter, I want to show you something.

——Oh,how nice of you ! I____ you _____to bring me a gift.

A、never think, are going     B、never thought, were going.

C、didn’t think,are going    D、hadn’t thought, were going

答案:B 快进来,皮特,我给你看样东西。――你真好!我没想到你会送给我礼物。

“我没想到”是过去认为用一般过去时。“过去将要送给我”用be going to 的一般过去时。

8、The police found that the house _____and a lot of things _______.

A、has broken into, had been stolen  B、had broken into, had been stolen

C、has been broken into, stolen    D、had been broken into, stolen.

答案:D 警察发现房子被人闯入,许多东西被偷走了。从句应该用被动语态的过去完成时。为避免重复,had been stolen中的had been省略了。

9、When I was at college I ____three foreign languages, but I ___all except a few words of each.

A、spoke, had forgotten spoke     B、spoke ,have forgotten

C、had spoken, had forgotten     D、had spoken, have forgotten

答案:B 上大学时我会讲三种外语,现在除了几个词汇外我都忘了。“现在忘了”应该用现在完成时。

10、—Have you moved into the new house? —Not yet. The rooms ____.

A、are being painted B、are painting

C、are painted D、are being painting

答案:D —你搬进新房子了吗?—没有。房子正在粉刷。


11、The students ____busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ____in the office.

A、had written, left B、were writing, has left

C、had written, had left D、were writing, had left

答案:D 当布朗小姐去拿落在办公室的书时,学生们正忙着写字。


12、When Jack arrived he learned Mary ___for almost an hour.

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标签: party   初一英语教案
