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Sports and Games

[10-15 23:23:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9527

S2:In the swimming pool. /In the river …


T:What are they doing? S3, please.

S3: They are skating.

T: Do you like skating?

S3: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: Which season is the best to skate?

S3: I think it’s winter.

T: What other sports do you like?

S3:I like …


T: Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S4, please.

S4: They are playing basketball.

T: Do you like playing basketball?

S4: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: How many players are there in a basketball team?

S4: There are five.

T: Who do you usually play with?

S4: My classmates. /My friends…

( 教师尽量多使用一些图片,让学生根据图片练习。)

Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

1.T:I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about sports. Now look at the picture in1a. What is Michael going to do? S1, please.

S1: He is going to play basketball.


What is Michael going to do?

He is going to play basketball.


2.T:Is Michael playing basketball now? S2, please.

S2: No.

T: Good! You are right. When we express something that is going to happen, we use “be going to”. Now, look at the two sentences. Can you find the rule of them? S3, please.

S3:Yes, I can. I think it’s “be going to + do”.


be going to + do(动词原形)

T: Listen to the tape of 1a. Then answer the following questions:

Which team is Michael’s class going to play with?

Is Kangkang going to cheer them on?


T: Listen again. Follow the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation. Check your intonation and stress.


T: What are they doing?

Ss: They are cheering us on.


cheer sb. on

T: Well done! Now please read the dialog in 1a. Boys are Michael and girls are Kangkang. While you are reading, underline the key words and expressions.

basketball, saw, play, every day, summer, game, between, Class Three, Sunday, come, cheer... on, I’d love to, first, term, hope, win

Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)

1. T: Suppose you meet your classmates on the playground today and you want to know what kind of sports he/she did during the summer holiday. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words here.

play, summer, homework, I’m afraid, I’d like to, hope


2. (找三至五组学生到教室前面表演他们所编的对话。)

S1:Hi, …

S2: Hi, … I am going to play… Are you going to play with us?

S1:I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play… almost every day during the summer holiday.

S2: Yes. You know I am going to play in the…game between… and our team this Saturday. Would you like to come and cheer us on?

S1:Of course. I’d like to. And I hope you will win.


3. T:Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.

(操练be going to + do句型)

T:S3, what are you going to do this term?

S3:I’m going to do more exercise.

T: What about you, S4?

S4:I’m going to make a soccer team.

T: Oh, it’s a great plan. S5, do you know what your partner(S6) is going to do?

S5: Yes. He is going to learn to play the piano.

(教师尽量引导学生多练习be going to + do句型, 用不同的人称、句式使他们掌握它的用法。)

Step 4 Practice第四步 练习 (时间:15分钟)

1. T: There are so many different kinds of sports. Some students like playing soccer. Some like skating. Everyone has his own favorite sport. Now, let’s discuss which sport you prefer.



Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

I prefer skating.


T: Which sport do you prefer, …or…?

S1:I prefer …


T: S3, if you prefer swimming, how often do you go swimming? Do you go swimming much?

S3: About three times a week. I often go swimming.

T: Oh, you can also say “Yes, quite a lot.” or “Yes, quite a bit.”


quite a bit/a lot

T:S4(一个平时不太喜欢运动的学生), do you often do outdoor activities/do you do outdoor activities much?

S4: No, I don’t.

T: You can also say “No, seldom.”

T: Suppose there is a basketball club in our school. Do you want to join it? And are you going to be a member of the club?


join, club, member


T:Discuss with your partner. Which sport club would you like to join? Are you going to join … club?

S5:I am going to join… club.

S6:I am going to be a member of …club.


T:Look at pictures in 2a. Here are many kinds of sports: skating, skiing, volleyball and so on. Make up dialogs after the example.

(以两个人一组的形式完成这项任务,学生们除了可以用书上所给出的运动名称, 也可以选用他们所知道的其它运动名称进行对话。)

2. (小组活动。使用图片进行看图说话表演,谈论自己最喜欢的体育活动,教师提供一些运动的图片。)

T:Now, work in groups. You can use the pictures in my hands to choose which sport is your favorite. And say something about this kind of sport. For example: I prefer playing volleyball. I usually play it after class. There are six players in each team. We must hit the ball with our hands…

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标签: Sports   初二英语教案
