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Merry Christmas

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9283

When can we get together? 我们何时能聚会?


We'll have a get-together on that day.在那天,我们将举行一个联欢会。

② from house to house意思是"挨家挨户"。

On Halloween, children ask for sweets from house to house.

2. Some people even put up stockings for their pets as well.

as well意思是"也"。

He is interested in math and physics as well. 他喜欢数学,也喜欢物理。

3. He then fills the stockings with Christmas presents.

fill…with意思是"用…装满";be filled with意思是"被…装满"

Mary is filling the bag with some fruit. 玛丽正在往袋子里装满水果。

Her eyes are filled with tears. 她的眼眶充满了泪水。

4. Can a man really climb down the chimney of every house in the world in a single night? climb down:爬下 climb up:爬上

5. Father Christmas is based on a real person in history.

base on:以…为依据、基于

They made a new rule based on the former principles.

6. It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney.

It is said that的意思是"据说…"。类似的结构还有

It is guessed that … 据猜测…

It is reported that… 据报道…

7. Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today.

① no longer= not … any longer意思是"不再"

He can no longer stand up. = He can't stand up any longer.

② even though意思是"即使",引导让步状语从句,常用于句首。

Even though a team is good, there is always another team which is even better.

③ live on意思是"继续活着"。on表示"继续"。

8. Children wake up very early, and can't wait to open the presents in their stocking and  under the tree.

can't wait to do sth:意思为"迫不及待地做某事"

The girl couldn't wait to put on her new dress. 女孩迫不及待地穿上了她的新裙子。

9. They spend the day playing with the new toys and visiting their relatives and friends.

① spend在该句中的意思是"度过"。

② play with"跟…玩"

10. They greet each other with a hug and say, "Merry Christmas!”

Act the paragraph to see who is good at acting.

Practise reading.

Explain the main points.

Step 5 Workbook

Do Ex 2


Do Ex 3 in the exercise books.

Lecturer: Li Jinming

Title: Lesson 31(the 3rd period )

Teaching aims:

1. Master the use of the infinitives.

2. Try to understand the whole lesson and read it fluently.

3. Master the new words and phrases.

Words: western, traditional

Phrases: How to celebrate Christmas

When to go to the Christmas play

Grammar: the use of the infinitives: 疑问词+动词不定式

Has been to与 has gone to的区别

Emphasis and difficult points:

1. The main points---(1)&(2) in the teaching objectives

2. The difficult points:

(1) the use of the infinitives: 疑问词+动词不定式

(2) how to celebrate Christmas=how sb. shall celebrate Christmas

Teaching imaginations:

1. Ask and answer each other to drill the infinitive.

2. Discuss two festivals to develop the Ss’ migrative ability.

3. Practice writing.

Teaching aids: A tape recorder; the Bb.

Slide contents:

Slide 1: Teaching aims

Slide2: Some words and phrases of Lesson 30

Slide3: Some questions

Slide4: Some key words of Part 2 of Lesson 31.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Revision

Go over Lesson 30 by retelling the passage with the given words:

Go from house to house singing Christmas songs; do this for fun; on Christmas Eve; as well; kind-hearted; in a single night; is based on; hang by the fireplace to dry; his spirit of generosity lives on; can’t wait to do sth. ; visit their relatives; greet each other with a hug.

Step 2 Presentation

Ask several Ss:

1. What are you going to do tomorrow?

2. Where can you buy VCDs?

3. When will you go to school tomorrow? etc.

After the Ss answer the questions, the teacher says:

Just now, I asked (the student’s name) what to do tomorrow.

I asked (the student’s name)where to buy VCDs.

I asked (the student’s name) when to go to school tomorrow. etc.

Step 3 Ask and answer

Page 38, Part 1.

Read over the instruction.

And then show the following questions with Slide 3 and ask some Ss to answer them

How do you celebrate Christmas?

When do you go to the Christmas play?

How do you put up Christmas lights?

Where do you buy Christmas presents?

How do you sing Christmas songs?

What do you want to bring to England?

Then the teacher says:

I asked (the student’s name) how to celebrate Christmas.

when to go to the Christmas play.


Go through the answers in Part 1. Then let the Ss practice in pairs.

Step 4 Practice

Page 38, Part 2

Listen to the tape and get the Ss to answer the following question:

What has Lin Tao done?

(He has helped to decorate a Christmas tree and send a Christmas play.)

Then read and learn.

Make out the differences between “been to” and “gone to ”

Try to act out the dialogue without the books.

Step 5 Talk and write

Page 38, Part 3

Ask a student to read the first part aloud to the class.

Read the questions and guess the new words, and then answer the questions.

Explain some key words with Slide 4.

Write a passage about the Spring Festival.

Step 6 Workbook

Do Ex1 and Ex 3


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
