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Merry Christmas

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9283

Do Ex 2 in the Ss’ exercise books.

Lecturer: Li Jinming

Title: Lesson 32 (Two lessons) (the 4th period)

Teaching aims:

1. Master the teaching materials

Words: special, owner, born, shepherd

Phrases: once upon a time, at last, give birth to, tell sb. of sth. have the special boy

Sentences: It is said that one night and angel came to Mary and told her she was to have this special boy.

2. Listening and writing drills.

3. Learn the text “Jesus Christ”.

Emphasis and difficult points:

1. Listening and writing drills.

2. Understand the text: Jesus Christ.

Teaching imaginations:

1. Let the Ss try to catch the key phrases and sentences when listening.

Try to write what the Ss listened to.

2. Analyze the several Ss’ compositions with the class.

3. Learn the text “Jesus Christ” by oneself then raise any questions.

Let the Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Teaching aids: A tape recorder; the Bb.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. the infinitives ①疑问词+动词不定式 ②动词不定式做定语: something to eat.

2. Revision some words and make sentences with these words:

in western countries; in difference ways; traditional food etc.

Step 2 Listening

Page 39, Part 1

Read through the questions in Ex 1 and make sure the students understand them.

Listen to the tape and choose the best answers.

Listen again and try to write what they have listened.

Step 3 Look, ask and answer

Page 39, Part 2.

Get the Ss to look at the picture and then let them ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Show their questions and the answers to the whole class.

Step 4 Writing

Page 39 Part 3

Let the Ss try to write something about Santa Claus.

Then show several Ss’ compositions to the whole class and let the other Ss correct the wrong places.

Step 5 Reading

Page 40, Part 4

Ask the Ss listen to the tape and then answer the following questions

1. Why do people celebrate Christmas?

2. Who is Jesus Christ? (Sh them with Slid4)

Get several Ss to show their answers.

Read through the text and let the Ss ask and answer the questions and the answers in pairs.

Show the Ss’ any problems freely and settle the problems together.

Make a contest of reading.

Step 6 Checkpoint

Show the checkpoint with Slid 8 and let the Ss make sentences with the useful expressions

Ask the Ss to raise any questions.

Step 7 Workbook

Finish all the exercises.


1. Do Ex 6 in the Ss’ exercise books. 2. Try to retell the text “Jesus Christ”


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
