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Merry Christmas

[10-15 23:18:35]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初三英语教案   阅读:9283

以下是www.xiaozhibei.com为您推荐的Merry Christmas,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 Merry Christmas

1. Learn to talk about how to prepare Christmas orally.

2. Read the whole lesson fluently and try to understand it.

3. Master the following materials:

Words: decorate, circle, angel, merry

Phrases: put up, circle them around the tree, decorate the tree with…

Sentences: Merry Christmas!

Me too.

To be here at Christmas time is a dream that has come true.

What do you mean by “decorate”?

That sounds like fun.

Emphasis and difficult points

1. The main points --- (1) and (2) in the teaching aims

2. The difficult points: 1. the infinitives used as subjects.

2. put up 挂起,贴上, 建起

circle sth. round …把…绕在…的周围

Teaching imaginations:

1. Ask and answer each other to find out some problems.

2. Rewrite the dialogue to consolidate the content learned in class

Teaching aids: A tape recorder; the Bb.

Slide contents:

Slide1: Teaching aims

Slide 2: Some pictures of Christmas trees, presents and Father Christmas

Slide 3: A passage about how to decorate the Christmas tree.

Slide4: Some key phrases of the dialogue.

Slide 5: Exercises

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the infinitive by asking ,

2. What does your family plan to do for the Spring Festival?

Step 2 Presentation

Let the Ss guess the meaning of the topic then talk about Christmas and mention Christmas Day\ tree\ presents\dinner and Father Christmas.

Show the pictures of Christmas trees, present andFather Christmas with Slide 2

Show a passage about how to decorate the Christmas trees with Slid 3.

Step 3 Read, act, ask and answer

Part 1 of P36.

Listen and answer:

1. Where is Lin Tao?

2. What are they doing?

3. What do they put on the tree?

Repeat after the tape then ask and answer the questions of Part 2 of P36 each other.

Explain some new words by some sentences.

*Me too.

*To be here at Christmas time is a dream that has come true. 动词不定式作主语。

*decorate the tree; decorate …with…

*What do you mean by…?= What does …mean?

*put up put up a poster; put up a building

*circle them around the tree

Let the Ss try to act the dialogue.

Try to rewrite the dialogue.

Exercises: use the right word forms to fill in the blanks. (Slide5)

Step 4 Workbook

Finish Exx1-3


Do Ex 4 in the exercise books

Lecturer: Li Jinming

Title: Lesson 30 (Two lessons) (the 2nd period)

Teaching aims:

1. Read the whole passage and answer all the questions in the workbook.

2. Try to understand the whole lesson and read it fluently, the intonation and pronunciation should be right.

3. Master the new language materials

Words: eve, stocking, pet, kind-hearted, chimney, single, base, real, Turkey, shy, hang, fireplace, dry, though, generosity, relative, greet, hug

Phrases: as well, kind-hearted, base on, even though, live on

Sentences: 1. During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs.

2. It went into a stocking that a little girl had hung by the fireplace to dry.

Emphasis and difficult points:

1. The main points---(1)&(2) in the teaching objectives

2. The difficult points:

(1) singing Christmas songs伴随动作

(2) is based on a real person in history 以历史上的真人为依据的

base …on …把…依据在…的基础上

(3) It went into a stocking that a little girl had hung by the fireplace to dry.

Teaching imaginations:

1. Act out the passage to develop the Ss’ ablitily.

2. Describe the pictures to develop the Ss’ observation ability and spoken English.

3. Ask and answer each other to familiarize the content of the text.

Teaching aids: A tape recorder; the Bb.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Act out the dialogue in SB Page 36, Part 1.

(Workbook Ex3 of Lesson 29)

2. Talk about the Chinese festival

Step 2 Presentation

T: We have the Spring Festival.

What about England? What festivals do they have?

( Thanksgiving, Hallowmas, Easter and Christmas and so on.)

Which is the most important?

( Christmas)

How do they celebrate it?

Step 3 Pre-reading

Discuss the following questions

1. When is Christmas?

2. Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, what do you?

3. What holiday is your favourite? Why?

Step 4 Reading

Page 37, Part 1

1. Read through the text quickly

Ask: 1. What day is Christmas Day?

2. What do people call the night before Christmas Day? (Christmas Eve)

Draw some pictures to help express the meaning.

In that night, children all over England put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep, because their parents tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night. Father Christmas is very kind-hearted. Because he gives people presents. How? He lands on top of the house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. Then he walks quietly to the bedrooms and fill the stockings with presents.

(Teach: eve, stocking, kind-hearted, chimney, fireplace.)

2. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions of Ex 1 of SB Workbook.

(use the questions with Slide 4-5)

3. Learn paragraphs

Get the students to ask and answer the questions.

Explain the main words and sentences.

1. During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing  Christmas songs.

① get together意思是"相聚在一起"。

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初三英语教案
