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高二英语教案:外研版必修3 Module4复习学案

[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9831

15. 大气(层),气氛(n.) _________

16. 碳 (n.) _____________

17. 化学药品(n.) ,化学的(adj.)___________

化学(学科)(n.) ___________

18. 环境(n.) _________


19. 废料,垃圾(n.)___________

20. 融化(vi.) ________

融化的,溶解的(adj.) _______

21. 污染(n.)________污染(v.) __________

22. 再循环 (v.n.) ______________





明白的 明显的(adj.)___________________

26.主要的 多数的(adj.)_________________

多数 大半(n.)___________________________

27. 紧急的 (adj.)____________________







31.恐怖的 吓人的 (adj.)________________

恐吓 惊吓某人(v.)_____________________

32.绝对地 完全地(adv.)_________________





1.砍到 __________________

2. 阻止…干… __________________

3. 保护…不受…的侵害 ______________

4. 只有做…. ___________________

5. 挖出______________

6. 放出 发出 _________________

7. 简言之 ______________

8. 醒来后面对…清醒地意识到 ____________________

9. 遭遇到… _________________

10.吸收 欺骗 __________________

11. 对…有影响__________________

12. 带走 拿走 ________________

13. 一个接一个地__________________

14. 允许某人做… ______________________


III. 经典考题 课本回扣

1.(课文原文)I couldn’t agree with you more.

(2007 山东23.) ---Have you been wasting time on computer games again?

---______. I’ve been studying a lot and I need a break.

A.No way B. Not really

C. I don’t agree D. I couldn’t agree more

2.(课文原文)There is nothing to be done.

(2007.宁夏 25)---The last one____ pays the meal.----Agreed!

A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving

3.(课文原文)The garbage is then taken away and, if possible, recycled.

(2007.全国. 28)We all know that ,_____,the situation will get worse.

A. not if dealt carefully with

B. if not carefully dealt with

C. if dealt not carefully with

D. not if carefully dealt with

4.(课文原文)The machine you had repaired went wrong , which made him angry ?.

(2007.宁夏 25)You should understand the traffic rule by now .You’ve had it ___ often enough .

A. explaining B. to explain

C. explain D. explained

5. (课文原文)They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.

(2007.上海 33)Pop music is such an important part of society____ it has even influenced our language.

A.as B. that C. which D. where


1. In China, ___________(一场群众运动) has been started to help solve it.

2. Sandstorms in China____________________(好象有所增加) in recent years _______________________(由于沙漠化的原因).

3. This is a ________(过程) that happens when land becomes desert because of _____________(天气变化) and because people _________ (砍伐) trees and ___________ (挖)grass.

4. When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts _________(建议) people not ____________(出去).

5. The desert is only 250 kilometers away ______________(北京以西).

6. __________________________(为阻止沙漠逼近), the government is planting trees .

V.回归课文 精选段落

Sandstorms are strong ,dry winds that (携带)____________sand .They are often(如此厚以至于)____________________ you cannot see the sun and the wind is sometimes strong enough to (移动)___________ sand sues. The four main places in the world(在那里)__________ there are sandstorms are Central Asia, North America ,Central Africa and Australia . Ren Jianbo , from Inner Mongolia (描述)___________ a terrible sandstorm he (经历)______________ as a child in the desert.”(遭遇到了)____________________________ a sandstorm was a terrible experience, ” he said.” The was nothing (能够做)_______________. It was the most (可怕的)_________________ and the most dangerous (形势)_____________ I’ve ever been in. You just had to hope you’d (幸存下来)____________ .I thought I was going to (消失)_____________ under the sand”.

VI. 针对重点 微型练习www.

1. ____, it doesn’t matter whether I can defeat John. in the match

A. As much as I’m concerned

B. As far as I’m concerning

C. As long as I’m concerning

D. As far as I’m concerned

2. ----Don’t ____ to me again ____ your low position in the government

----Ok. I promise never.

A. complain ; of B. complaint ; about

C. apologize ; of D. advise ; on

3. The ___ problems in this city are related to traffic.

A. majority B. major

C. magic D. mainly

4. As is known, smoking has ____ our health..

A. a bad effect on B. bad effect to

C. an effort on D. affect to

5. ---Do you know“___ ”means “to explain something very simply”.

---Yes .We can also say “in a word”.

A. in a short B. for brief

C. on conclusion D. in a nutshell

6. He was so busy because he had ____ letters to answer.

A. a mass B. a large numbers of

C. mass D. a great deal of

7. With enough____ being hurt, these orphans grow happily.

A. protection of B. protecting from

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标签: 暂无联系方式 高二英语教案
