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高二英语教案:外研版必修3 Module4复习学案

[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9831

C. protection from D. protected by

8. We did nothing but ____ for him on the airport this afternoon.

A. waited B. wait

C. to wait D. waiting

1. 参考答案:Suggested answers:

2. Reading and vocabulary

3. Suggested answers:

4. 1. mask cycle cyclist dust

5. citizen frightening sandstorm

6. 2. There is a sandstorm blowing.

7. 3. She is wearing hoods, masks and glasses.

8. 4. The traffic moves slowly. Because it’s not clear to see everything on the road and people must take great care.

9. 5. Experts advise people to stay at home in this situation.

10. Part 1 disaster

11. Part 2 Sandstorm cause description influence suggestions

12. Part 3 measures

13. 1 Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand.

14. 2 Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia.

15. 3 It is dangerous to go out when a sandstorm occurs.

16. 4 Yes. Northwest China.

17. 5 Increased. As a result of desertification.

18. 6 Because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.

19. 7 Plant more trees.


Parts Content Details

1 major disaster A mass campaign, to help solve sandstorm, tried many ways to solve it

2 description Strong wind, dry, carry sand, So thick, can’t see the sun

Cause Desertification,

Climate changes, cut down trees, dig up grass

influence Orange sky, strong winds

suggestion Stay at home, wear a mask

3 measures Plant trees


22. 1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F


1. prevent you from seeing the sun

24. 2 he experienced a terrible sandstorm

25. 3 because of desertification

26. 4 cause deserts and sandstorms to increase

27. 5 the drivers can’t see

28. 6.prevent the desert coming nearer

29. grammar Suggested answers:

30. 1.to do 2. to teach 3. to go 4. tell 5. to leave 6. not to swim 7. to turn off 8. stay do

31. 9. to do 10. to get to 11. to start 12. to tell 13. to hear from 14. to understand 15. to have

32. 16. not to do 17. to become 18. to go 19. to leave 20. to work

33. 1A 2. B 3.C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9.B 10. A



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