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牛津小学英语Plus and minus Part A教案

[10-15 23:08:43]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  三年级英语教案   阅读:9523

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牛津小学英语Plus and minus Part A教案


教学内容:《牛津小学英语》3A Unit 5 Plus and minus Part A



2、能熟练掌握What’s…plus/minus…?及其回答It’s…并能用That’s right. /Sorry, you are wrong. /Oh, no.作出评价。





Step 1 Warming- up


T: Hi, boys and girls.

Ss: Hi, Miss Li

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, too.

2、Sing a song

T: Let’s sing a song . Please follow me.




T: Who’s he?

S: He’s Yao Ming

T: Can you guess which number on his vest?

S1: It’s twelve, I thank.

T: Sorry you are wrong.(教师摇头表示否定,并通过手势up down提示学生)

S2: Thirteen

T: That’s right.(让猜对的学生作小老师,带领大家读这个数字。)

(评析:让学生猜一猜自己喜欢的体育明星的球衣号码,极大的激发了学生的兴趣,避免了枯燥的数字训练,同时渗透句型Sorry,you are wrong.\ That’s right.)

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、Learn word “plus”

T: Boys and girls, please show me you number cards.

T: Hello,what’s your number?

S1:It’s eleven.

T:Hello,eleven. Who is he?

S1:He is ‘twelve’.

T: Is he you friend?

S1:Yes he is.

T:Who’s you friend? Can you tell me?

S2 S3 S4..: eight, sixteen,twenty…is my friend.


T: My name is “plus”.(板书:plus并用红笔在单词下面写一个加号)

T: Hello, “one”.

S: Hello, “plus”

T: Hello, ‘thirteen’.

S: Hello ‘plus’. (教师依次和其他的学生打招呼。)


2、Learn sentences “What’s …plus …. ? It’ s ….”、 “That’s right./Sorry, you are wrong.”

T: I’m “plus”. But I have no friends. Who want to be my friends?


T: Look, I have two friends. They are five and ten.(板书:five plus ten)


T: What’s five plus ten? It’s…(示意学生回答)

S: It’s fifteen.

T: That’s right.(用红色的粉笔板书)

(评析:由于What’s five plus ten?较长,先通过为plus找朋友的游戏,让学生先学会句子的后半部分five plus ten,接着再学习全句,从而降低了难度,易于学生理解。)


(1)、Read talk and mach.

What’s six plus eight ? It’s seventeen.

What’s four plus three? It’s twenty.

What’s five plus twelve? It’s fourteen.

What’s sixteen plus four? It’s seven.

(2)、Listen and answer.

让两位学生比赛看谁反应快.先由教师说学生答,对答对的学生说That;s right.对答错的学生说Sorry, you wrong.(并用蓝色的粉笔板书,教师领读。)


(3)、Say a rhyme

Plus, plus, plus/ five plus ten / what’s five plus ten?/Fifteen, fifteen, it’s fifteen./Right, right, that’s right.

Plus, plus, plus/Eight plus six/What’s eight plus six?/ Thirteen, thirteen, it’s thirteen./Wrong, wrong, sorry you are wrong.


3、Learn word ‘minus’

T:Boys and girls, listen carefully. Let’s play s game. If I say ‘big’, you say ‘small’.(教师拿一个大的盒子和一个小的盒子示意学生)

Andstan, class?

Ss: Yes.

T: long

Ss: short

T: white

Ss: black


T: plus

Ss: ….

教师既是出示单词卡片,领读并板书:minus 在单词的下面用蓝色的粉笔‘-’。


4、Learn “What’s …minus…? It’s…”

T:Show me your number cards, please.

Ss: All right.

T: ‘Twenty’ and ‘seventeen’ stand up, please.(分别指两名学生站起来)

T: What’s twenty minus seventeen?

Ss: It’s three.

T: Where’s ‘three’? Stand up and show us your number ,please.

(拿数字3的学生站起来,齐说:It’s three.然后老师和其他学生一起说:That’s right.)


Step 3:Consolidation

1、Listen and repeat

T: It’s time to listen to the tape. First, just listen.(学生看课文,教师先放一边录音。)

T: Now, listen and reapet.(播放课文录音,学生跟读。)

2、Play a game.(学生考老师)

教师用耳塞将耳朵堵起来,让学生给老师出题目,老师只能通过看学生的口型进行回答,如果老师回答对了学生就说:That’s right.错了就说:Sorry, you are wrong


Step 4: Homework

1、Listen to the tape. (Part A)

2、Ask your father or mother:


That’s right./ Sorry, you are wrong.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 三年级英语教案
