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Unit 7 Foods and drinks

[10-15 23:19:38]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9773

 以下是www.xiaozhibei.com为您推荐的Unit 7 Foods and drinks,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

Unit 7 Foods and drinks

教学目标 1.结合课本内容,通过对学生听力的策略指导,达到提高其听力能力的目的。

2. 让学生巩固并检查自己对听力微技能(听前预测,抓住关键词)掌握情况。


重点和难点 1. 让学生在听得过程中能完成相对应的练习。

2. be sure to… 一定……

教具准备 Recorder, Testbook


Step 1. Revision

Have Ss retell the passage of part B

Step 2.Pre-listening

1. Let two students act out a short play without any sound and let Ss guess what they are doing. They can tell the answer in Chinese.

2. Show the new words to them: Survey

3. If they are going to interview somebody ,what will they do?

4. Tell them listen to the wh-questions.

5. Brain storm: “ How many wh-words they can think about?”

6. Write them down on the blackboard.

Step 3. While-listening

1. Look at Exercise A carefully and guess which wh-words they will fill in.

2. Play the tape for the first time without stopping.

3. Check the answers orally.

4. Listen again and Finish A2

Step 4. Post- Listening

1. T guides Ss to sum up the characteristic of the interview.

Interview: Questions and Answers. Also pay attention to the beginning of the interview.

Excuse me, please. We’re ________ from _________

2. Group work:

Give each group an envelope that contains some key words about the interview they are going to do.

3. Presentation

Let Ss give the presentation in front of the classroom.

Step 5. Homework

(1) Copy the new words and phrases.

(2) Finish Unit 7 Listening Exercise A in Book B.


Unit 7 Foods and Drinks(part B of listening)

教学目标 1. 让学生在听得过程中能完成相对应的练习。


3. 让学生初步了解现在完成时态的基本意义(have\has+PP)及形式,并能完成简单的相关练习。


重点和难点 1.听力微技能(听前预测,抓住关键词)




Step 1. Revision(3mins)

Review what Ss learned yesterday.

Step 2. Pre-listening(2mins)

1. Ask Ss what they had for breadfast this morning.

2. Let Ss look at part B on Page 102 and listen what Li Ming,Sun FEI and Zhen Hui had for breakfast this morning.

Step 3. While- Listening

1. First listening:

Play the tape for the first time and finish B1.

2. Second listening:

(1) Let them read the questions carefully and underline the key words of the questions:

E,g. What is Sun Fei doing when the bell rings?

(2) Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.


a. What is Sun Fei doing when the bell rings?

He is nearly .

b. How does he feel?

He feels and .

c. Why does he feel like this?

Because he anything for breakfast.

d. Why did he ask Li Ming to stop talking about food?

Because it makes him .

e. Why did he not have breakfast?

Because he got up this morning.

f. What do you think of Li Ming?

He’s .

Answers: a .asleep; b .tired and hungry;c. haven’t had; d. feel ill; e. too late; f. kind.

3. Teach Ss the important points in this lesson according to the answers.

(1) He feels tired and hungry .


(2)Why does he feel like this?

Because he haven’t had anything for breakfast.

Let Ss compare the difference between

Because he didn’t have anything for breakfast.

Give Ss more examples about the present pre fect tense and guide them make the conclusion of the meaning of this tense and the form of this tense (positive and negative.

3. Read after the tape.

Step 4. Post---Listening(9mins)

Do more exercises about the tense.

Step 5. Homework(1 mins)

Finish Unit 7 Listening B in Book B



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

标签: drinks   初一英语教案
