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Unit 6 Fashion学案提纲

[10-15 23:17:49]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9438

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Unit 6 Fashion学案提纲

1. tie n. 领带; v.系,栓,捆,扎

Look , his father _____________ (tie ) his tie now .

Please ________ the tree _______ the stick so that it is straight .

2. before / ago

(1) He can ride a bike now , but he couldn’t a few weeks ______ .

(2) Please com e to see me ________ six o’clock .

(3) When we finally got there , they had left an hour ________ .

(4) I’ve read the book _________ .

(5) Where did your sister study _____ she joined the army ?

3. (1)hope n. 希望 be full of hope = be filled with hope

(2)hope v. hope to do sth. hope +句子

Both of her parents hope ________ (see) her during the holiday .

I hope that he ______ (can ) come to supper .

They hope to come to China some day .= They hope (that) they can come to China some day .

wish n. best wishes to you for Teachers’ Day

wish v. wish sb. to do sth . wish sb. sth.

Our teachers wish us ________ (be ) successful in our study .

wish your good ________ ( 运气)

wish +句子(一般用过去是,表不可能实现的愿望)

She wishes she ________ (can) fly to the moon one day .


(1) He ________(更喜欢) to work alone .

(2) prefer sth to sth I __________ tea _______ coffee .

(3)prefer doing sth to doing

Tom prefers _________ (do) to ______ (talk ) .

(4) prefer to do …rather than do …

He preferred _________ (stay ) at home rather than _______ (go) with us .

5.(1) so + adj. so colourful so boring

so many shorts so much wool so few suits so little cotton

(2)so …that … The basket is_____(如此) heavy that the boy can’t carry it .

It’s _________ (如此) a heavy basket that the boy can’t carry it .

6. choose – chose – chosen

choose to do sth. choose sb. to do sth.

We all chose Xiao Wang _________ (be) our monitor .

There are so many beautiful ties ,I can’t decide which one ________ (choose) .

7. ask sb, (not) to do sth . teach / want / tell sb. (not ) to do sth.

My teacher often asks us _______ (speak) English as much as possible .

The policeman asked the boys __________ (not play ) football on the road .

8.go well with 与……相配

Does this jacket go well _______ this skirt ?

9. heavy adj. 重的 adv. heavily

How _________ was the baby when he was born ?

There was a _________ (大量的) rain last night .

It rained __________ (大) last night .

10. (1)turn v.

Our teacher told us that the earth __________ (转) round the sun .

________ (转弯) right at the fourth turning =______ the fourth turning _____ the right .

_________ (翻) the page of your book . ________ to Page forty

His face ________ (变 ) red just now .

In autumn leaves often _______ (变) golden .

(2)Turn n. It’s one’s turn to do sth .

It’s your turn ________(speak) at the meeting .

Please wait for your _______ (轮流) 。

turn on turn off turn up turn down turn over turn into turn green

11. be made of be made from be made in be made by

Our desks are made ______ wood .

Our paper is made ________ wood too . Bread is made ________ wheat .

This computer was made ________ Beijing . It was made ________ uncle Wang .

12. have a good time =enjoy oneself =play happily =have fun

have something / nothing to do with

have sb. do sth have sth. done

have to had better do sth. have = have got

I have _______ (收到) two letters from him by now .

She has __________ (买) the bike for two months .

Our English teacher had Jim ______ (post ) the letter for him .

We had our photos ________ (take) in the park last Sunday .

13,---Can I use your book ? ---Yes , you _______ . / ---No , you ________.

---May I ask your some questions ? ---Yes , you _______ . / ---No, you _____ .

---Must I finish the work right now ? --- Yes , you _______ ./ --- No , you _______ .

14. ________ , Simon chose what to wear . Then ,Simon dressed up in white trouses .

Next , Simon did the show . ___________ Simon talked to Kitty .

____________ , Simon went home .

15. go on with

桑迪,你的海报做得怎么样? (go on with )


16, This pair of leather boots ________ (be) for you .

17, try it on try them on try on this silk jumper= try this silk jumper on

try one’s best to do sth.= do one’s best to do sth.=do what one can _____ (do) sth.

have a try



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
