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Unit 1 A surprise birthday party

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9855

Using quantifiers to indicate countable and uncountable nouns

e.g. We need some eggs/some sugar/some butter, etc.

Using ‘need to’ to describle a person’s needs

e.g. She needs to buy some …

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately

Listen for specific information


Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topic

Apply syntactic rules such as subject-verb agreements correctly

Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to other’s opinions


Understand the connection between ideas by indentifying linking words or phrases

Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure, e.g.. word structure, word order, sentence structure and organization of text-types.

Recognize the presentation of ideas through headings, paragraphing, spacing, italics, bold print and punctuation


Plan and organize information and ideas by deciding on the sequence of content

Develop written texts by using appropriate format, conventions and language features


Student’s Book 7B page 4

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

Workbook 7B page 3

Photocopiable page 2


Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 2 for each student.

Pre-task preparation

1. Ask students if they have ever made food or drinks for a party. Invite some students who have had the experience to talk about the food and drinks they made and the ingredients they used. Write the food or drink items on the board, together with the ingredients.

2. Play the recording: Look and read on page 4. students follow in the their books.

Post-task activity

1. Workbook page 3

2. Collect students’ work and bind them into a recipe book.

3. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 2 to each student. Tell them to draw a food item they would like to make for their friend at a party and write about the ingredients they may need.


Language focus:

Using modals to express preferences

e.g. I’d like to take some photos at Ben’s birthday party.

Using modals indicate possibility

e.g. She may need to buy some …

Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out specific information about something

e.g. What else may Kitty need to buy?

Language skills:


Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriately

Listen for specific information


Maintain an interaction by asking and responding to other’s opinions

Maintain an interaction by taking one’s turn at the right moment and recognizing others’ desire to speak


Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure, such as word structure, word order, sentence, organization of text-types

Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression


Use appropriate format, conventions and language features when writing non-narrative texts such as a shopping list


Student’s Book 7B page 5

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

Photocopiable page 3


Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 3 for each student.

Pre-task preparation

Language learning activity

(This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.

1. Review with students the things Kitty needs to buy or prepare for Ben’s birthday party on pages 3 and 4 of the Student’s Book. Show students some photos in which people are having birthday parties. Ask students what decorations can usually be found at birthday parties. List all possibilities on the board. Prompt students by asking questions, like this: What do we blow out on a birthday cake? To elicit: Candles.

2. Students work in pairs. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 3 to each student. Students read the passage and complete the shopping list individually. Each pair of students checks each other’s answers by asking: What else may Kitty need to buy? To elict: She may need to buy some …

3. The pair then discusses and makes suggestions as to where Kitty can buy the things.


Grammar Practice Book 7B page 3


Language focus:

Using adverbs to indicate time sequence and procedures

e.g. First,/Secondly,/Thirdly,/Fourthly

Using imperatives to give instructionsek

e.g. Bake, Add, Mix, Put, Beat, Wait, Sift

Language skills:


Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

Understand the connection between ideas by recognizing linking words or phrases

Predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words, and making use of context and knowledge of the world


Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

Understand the connection between ideas by identifying linking words or phrases

Predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words, and by making use of context and knowledge of the world


Plan and organize information and ideas by deciding on the sequence of content


Student’s Book 7B page 6

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

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标签: party  surprise   初一英语教案
