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Unit 1 A surprise birthday party

[10-15 23:26:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9855

Cook books with photos and recipes

Photos or realia of cooking utensils.


Cue the cassette.

Pre-task preparation

Language learning activity

(This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.

1. Bring in some recipes in cookery books and circulate them among students. Ask students who have cooking experience to talk about the food they can make and provide a recipe. Write the name of the food on the board. Draw a spidergram to help the students organize the different steps in making the food item. Once all the steps have been listed, write the adverbs of sequence, e.g. First, Second, Thirday … on the board and ask the class to arrange the steps in logical sequence using the adverbs.

2. Review with students the ingredients needed for making the chocolate cake on page 4 of the Student’s Book. Explain the meanings of some vocabulary items, e.g. baking tin, sift with the help of real objects if possible. Ask students to look at the picture in Look and read and match them with the sentences.

3. Students work in pairs to discuss the answers with each other. Offer assistance and guidance to less able pairs if they have doubts.

4. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books to check their answers.

5. Invite pairs of students to come to the front to demonstrate the procedure for making a chocolate cake, with one student reading out the recipe step by step and the other demonstrating the procedure.


Grammar Practice Book 7B page 4


Language focus:

Using the past tense to talk about events and activities to the past

e.g. Last Saturday afternoon, we had a surprise birthday party.

Language skills:


Identify main ideas of a new topic

Listen for specific information


Read written language in meaningful chunks

Recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative texts

Skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas


Plan and organize information and ideas by identifying purpose and audience for a writing task

Develop written texts by writing paragraphs which present ideas logically

Revise and edit short written texts by making changes to incorrent spelling, punctation and grammar, and adding details if necessary in response to suggestions from the teacher


Student’s Book 7B page 7

Cassette 7B and a cassette player

English newspapers and magazine with photos

Photocopiable page 4


Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 4 for each student.

Pre-task preparation

1. Review with students the format of a letter. Give students some time to read the letter in Look and read on page 7. explain the meaning of the word caption to students. Show students an English newspaper or magazine in which the photos go with captions. Tell students that some people write a short description on the backs of photos to help them remember. Have students look at the pictures in Look and read. Tell them to match the sentences in Point and match with the pictures.

2. Ask students to choose some photos from their photo albums and write captions on the back. Encourage them to bring in the photos to show to their classmates and say what is happening in the photos.

Post-task activity

Workbook page 4



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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标签: party  surprise   初一英语教案
