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Keeping Healthy

[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9238

3Master “must” and “must not”.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

Go on with the report on healthy habits. The teacher point out the language points:

Doing sth is good/bad for ...

You should do ...

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher write some habits on the blackboard.

For example: eat breakfast

go out for a walk

go to bed early and get up early

drink plenty of water

Then the teacher summarize: These are all healthy habits.

But do you know why they can help us keep healthy?

2. Play the tape recorder. Let the students find out the answers according to listening. (1a) First play once, if the students can not find all the answers. Play again. Then write down the key words for the answers on the blackboard:

eat breakfast——gives ... energy ...

go out for a walk —— good exercise ... necessary...

drink plenty of water ——...good...health.

go to bed early and get up early ——... keep...active... daytime.

The teacher points out the new words. Make sure that the students can read and understand them exactly.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Let students retell the passage according to the key words on the blackboard.

2. Do 1b, write the vocabularies to finish the sentences.

Step 4 Practice

1. Do 2a. Let students speak the sentences orally:You must wash hands before meals. You must not read in strong sunlight.

2. Then let students write more sentences by using “You must ...” and “You must not ...”.

Step 5 Project

1. Work in groups. Four students work in one group. Finish 2b. Choose one student to write down the result, and another student to give a report to the whole class.

2. The students who has no chance to report should practice more after class and get ready to report in the next period.

Section C

Teaching aims and demands:

1 Improve students’ablities from listening, speaking to reading.

2Learn to get information from the passage by skimming.

3Learn to summerize by scanning.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Let some students give a report on the project they finished in last period. The teacher points out the important sentences:

You must .../You must not...

2. Let the students think about the causes of the headache. And try to give some answers.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Play the tape recorder 1a. Let students tell “True” or “False” about these sentences:

1)A headache is a disease.

2)A headache may show that something in your body is wrong.

3)We may have more than one headache each week.

4)Headaches can often make you worried.

5)You neednt go to see the doctor when you have a headache.

The teacher can write down these sentences on flash cards before class, or he can read them after playing the tape.

2. Skimming. Let students read the passage quickly and master the main idea. Underline the new words and the teacher explains them.

3. Scanning. Read the passage more carefully. Then finish the questions in 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation

The teacher check the students’ answers. Then write some key words of the answers on the blackboard. Let the students retell the passage according to the key words.

1)not a disease —— show —— wrong

2)a fever —— other illnesses

3)may get a headache whenwork —— hard

cant —— enough sleep exercise —— empty

Step 4 Practice

Let the students discuss: How does a body become sick?

Then do 2a. Let students tell the ways of becoming sick:

1)through the nose

2)through the mouth

3)through the skin

Step 5 Project

1. According to the result of Step 4. Let the students find out some ways to stop germs 2b. First speak some sentences orally. Make sure to use “We should .../should not...” and “We must.../must not...”.

2. After the oral practice, let each of the students write at least 5 sentences about how to stop germs.

Section D

Teaching aims an demands:

1Go on learn ing what are healthy habits.

2Improve the students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

3Summerize the grammar focus and useful expressions in the topic.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Let some students report the project in last period. The teacher point out the language points.

2. The teacher asks the students something about healthy habits.

For example:

—What are healthy habits?

—Going to bed early is good for our health.

—Doing morning exercises is a healthy habit.

Step 2 Presentation

1. After talking about healthy habits. The teacher asks something about healthy foods.

Show some pictures and put them on the blackboard, and write the names of the foods. Make sure the students can read all of them.

2. Let the students divide these foods into groups. finish 1b.

3. Let students tell which are healthy foods and which are unhealthy foods.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Play the tape recorder 1a. Complete the passage according to the listening.

As we know, gives us energy. We must have to keep us . Of course, we must also have the of . We should eat more and and less . A cup of and an a day can help make us . Different help us in different . Too , too or a choice of can make us .

2. Play again. Let the students follow and imitate the reading.

Step 4 Practice

Let the students do 3 by themselves. Then give a report to the whole class.

Step 5 Project

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语教案
