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Keeping Healthy

[10-15 23:16:27]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初二英语教案   阅读:9238

1. Let students go over all the pattern sentences in this topic 2a, 2b. Finish the writing project 3 by using the sentences they have learned in Topic 2. Each student writes at least 5 sentences.

2. Write a short passage which contains 6080 words.

Title: How to Keep Healthy

Instruction: Try to use the sentences you have learned in Topic 2 as many as possible.

Topic 3 We should do our best to fight SARS.

Section A

Teaching aims and demands:

1Talk about how to fight SARS.

2Learn how to interview others.

3Master the words “should” and “shouldnt”.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

Let the students tell good habits and bad habits. Use these sentences:

We should do ...

We shouldnt do ...

We must do ...

We must not do ...

We dont have to ...

Step 2 Presentation

1. First the teacher says to the students “Good habits can help us to keep healthy. But bad habits can cause diseases. In 2003, there was a serious disease called SARS (Severe Acute Respirators Syndrone)”. Then ask them, “what do you know about SARS?” Ask the students to talk about “SARS”.

2. Introduce Kangkangs father to the students. Then the students listen to the dialog and answer the questions:

—What do you know about SARS according to the listening?

—It spreads easily among people.

Play again, ask more questions:

—What should we do to stop it?

—We’d better have a balanced diet and take more exercise.

—We must not go to the crowded places.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Play the tape recorder, and let students follow the tape and imitate.

2. Do 1b, and finish the questions in pairs.

Step 4 Practice

1. Let students think of more good ideas to stop SARS away from us.

2. Do 2, then make up dialogs in pairs.

Step 5 Project

1. Make an interview: Four in one group. Suppose one of them is a journalist and the others are doctors. He asks questions, the other three answer.

2. Every student writes at least three sentences about how to fight SARS.

Section B

Teaching aims and demands:

1Learn how to make a tel ephone call.

2Make sure you can take a message of a telephone call.

3Make sure you can read the telephone message.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Let student retell at least three sentences about how to fight SARS.

2. Ask and answer about Kankang’s father:

What’s Kangkang’s father?

Where is he now?

Why cant he go home?

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher lead into: Kangkang misses his father very much. What should he do?

The students may answer: He should call his father.

2. Listen to the dialog 1a and answer questions:

1)Can Kangkang’s father answer the phone? Why or why not?

2)What is he doing now?

3)What does Kangkang tell his father?

4)What will Miss Hu do?

3. Play the tape again, and finish 1b.

Step 3 Consolidation

Let students read 2. Put the sentences in the right order, and make up a new similar dialog.

Step 4 Practice

1. Read the telephone messages 1b. Complete the dialog according to the information from the messages.

2. Listen to the tape. Follow and imitate.

Step 5 Project

Suppose you are calling Xiao Wang. But he’s not in. His mum answers the telephone call. You ask her to give him a message. Tell him to go to the zoo with you at 8∶ 30 tomorrow morning.

Let students make up a dialog in pairs, then act it out.

Section C

Teaching aims and demands:

1Learn how to do the skimming and get information.

2Master the simple past tense.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Ask some questions about SARS:

What do you know about SARS?

What should we do to stop SARS away from us?

2. Let some students introduce something about Kangkang’s father.

What do you know about Kangkang’s father?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Read the passage 1a, let students tell“True” or “False”.

1)Kangkang’s father was a patient in Xiaotangshan Hospital.

2)Kangkang’s father could talk with his family on the phone.

3)SARS is a kind of serious disease.

2. Read the passage more carefully. Answer the questions 1b. The teacher writes some key words on the blackboard:

doctor — SARS — serious — hospital — couldnt — home — talk — phone — missed — duty — save

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Using the key words on the blackboard, retell the story in 1a.

2. Rewrite the story with your own words,and finish 1b.

Step 4 Practice

1. Listening practice: Listen to the dia log and finish the chart below:

Names How did they spend their time at home? How did they think about it?

Kangkang on the Internet.

Michael had to and .

Jane her mother at home.

Maria a lot of stories at home.

2. Finish 3b, 3c.

Step 5 Project

1. Work in groups. Four in one group. Each of the students acts one character: Kangkang, Michael, Jane and Maria. Act out the dialog according to the information in the chart.

2.Work in groups. Make a survey and complete the chart below:

Names How did you spend your time last Sunday? How did you think about it?





Choose one speaker to give a report.

3.Finish 3c.Let students make up a passage about Kangkang’s father.

Section D

Teaching aims and remands:

1Summerize the grammer focus and useful expressions in topic 3.

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标签: 暂无联系方式 初二英语教案
