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高二英语一单元教案:School life

[10-15 23:17:37]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  高二英语教案   阅读:9997

15.Every possible means ________ the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.

A.was used to prevent

B.are used to preventing

C.has been used to prevent

D.have been used to prevent

解析:选C。根据句意:所有可能的方法都已被用来阻止空气污染,但天空依然不清彻。be used to do sth.意为被用来做某事,排除B,means前有every修饰是单数形式,排除D。再根据后文but the sky is still not clear 可知应该用现在时态,故选C。

9.for free 免费地

(回归课本P3)I usually went to the Computer Club at lunch time,so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free.我通常在午饭时间去计算机俱乐部,所以可以免费给我的父母和朋友往家发电子邮件。


(2)free sb. from/of 使某人摆脱……,使某人免除……

free of charge=for free 免费

feel free 无拘束,set free 释放,使自由

free of/from 无……的;免于……的, 离开了……的

free and easy 随便,无拘束

be free to do sth.随心所欲地做某事


①(牛津P810)You can’t expect people to work for free.


②(牛津P810)—Can I use the phone?


—Please,feel free.—请便吧。

③(牛津P810)The researchers set the birds free.


④(朗文P822)Lydia has been completely free from cancer since 1995.自从1995年来,莉迪娅就已完全治愈了癌症。

⑤(朗文P823)Treatment has freed Jenna from her drug addiction,allowing her to live a productive life.治疗使詹娜摆脱了毒瘾,使她能够过上积极、富有成效的生活。

16.(2010年辽宁锦州上学期期中测试)—What about the protection?

—Let’s keep the surface ________ dirt by putting a cover over it.

A.far from      B.free from

C.apart from D.away from

解析:选B。第二句句意:让我们把表面盖起来以免落上灰尘。far from“远离”;free from“免于”;apart from“除了”;away from“离开”,故选B。



We want to give all children a world ________ ________ violence.

答案:free of


You ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ as you please.

答案:are free to come and go


These equipment is given to our school ________ ________.

答案:for free


Admission to the museum is ________ ________ ________.

答案:free of charge

10.more than

(回归课本P7)CMHS has much more than you expect.



(1)“more than+名词”表示“不只是;不仅仅是;非但……尤其是”。

(2)“more than+数词”含“多于,不止”之意。

(3)“more than+形容词”表示“很,非常”的意思。



① (2009年高考浙江卷) It took more than building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains,too.


②(朗文P2130)It’s hard to concentrate like that for more than a half an hour.像那样集中注意力很难超过半小时。

③(牛津P1303)I’m more than happy to take you there in my car.我非常乐意用我的车带你去那儿。

④I think she’s more shy than unfriendly.


18.(2010年湖南娄底重点高中联考)It is the test system,________ the teachers,that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays.

A.other than      B.rather than

C.more than D.or rather

解析:选B。句意:要责备的是考试体系,而不是老师,给中学生造成深重的负担。other than“不同于,除了”;rather than“而不是”;more than“超过,不仅仅”;or rather “确切地说”,根据句意应选B。

19.(2010年山东潍坊3月模考)The computer software is old,________ very out of date.

A.or rather B.rather than

C.other than D.more than

解析:选A。句意:计算机软件旧了,更确切地说是过时了,故选A。or rather,更精确地说。



Chinese is ________ ________ ________ ________.

答案:more than a language


She’s ________ ________ ________ ________.

答案:more lucky than clever

11.pay attention to 注意

(回归课本P11)She seems to be a person who can’t pay attention to one thing for long.



(1)draw/catch/attract one’s attention


devote one’s attention to专心于……

fix/focus one’s attention on 留意,专心于

turn one’s attention to将注意力转向

with attention 注意地

(2)“动词(词组)+介词to”结构的常用短语,pay attention to,look forward to,come to,refer to,lead to,stick to,contribute to,make contributions to,be/get used to,get down to,turn to,devote...to,belong to,object to,point to


①(牛津P111)Don’t pay any attention to what they say.


②(牛津P111)I tried not to draw attention to the weak points in my argument.我尽量不让人察觉我论证中的弱点。

③(朗文P109)The explosion focused attention on safety issues.


④The lawyer listened with full attention,trying not to miss any point.(2010年高考四川卷)


21.(2010年东北三省四市高三第二次联考)Toyota’s chief executive said the company grew too fast to ________ safety controls.

A.prevent from

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