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Food and drink

[10-15 23:16:08]   来源:http://www.xiaozhibei.com  初一英语教案   阅读:9910

Step 7  Read and write







an egg, bread and porridge

at home


rice, meat and vegetables, noodles and dumpling

at school


fish, meat vegetables and fruit

at home

Step 8  Consolidation

1.语法:由学生总结本单元的重要语法项目some,a/ an的用法,How many句型的使用及其答语。


1) How many _________(glass) of water can you see?

2) We would like some _________. ( pear)

3) I can see two _________ (bottle) of milk on the table.

4) How many _________(box) of_________ (egg) can you see?

5) Can I _________ (help) you?

Answers: 1. glasses 2. pears 3. bottles 4. boxes, eggs 5. help

Step 9  Exercises


( ) 1. How many ______ can you see on the table?

A. water B. bottle of water C. glasses of water D. bread

( ) 2. What about something to drink? Yes, I’d like ______ .

A. some oranges B. some orange C. an orange D. a orange

( )3. Let’s have something to eat. ______ some cakes?

A. What  B. What’s  C. What’s about  D. What about

( )4. ______ a glass of milk.

A. I’d like to B. I’d want to C. I’d want D.I would like

( )5. I can’t see ______ on the desk.

A. something B. any books C. some books D. only one

( )6.The food ______ good.

A. an   B. is   C. are   D. be

( )7. Two glasses of orange ______ over there.

A. an   B. is   C. are   D. be

( )8.______ they like ice cream?

A. Are   B. is   C. Does  D. Do

( ) 9. Would you like some dumplings? No,______ .

A. I don’t  B. I’m not  C. I’m sorry  D. thanks

( ) 10. What’s the time? ______ .

A. Time is ten B. It’s Monday C. It’s OK  D. It’s one to one

Answers: 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.D

Step 10 Workbook

1.Do Ex.1  让学生齐读单词并找出元音字母 e及字母组合 ee,ea的发音。

2.Do Ex.2  听录音后,完成练习。

3.Do Ex.3  Do it in Class.

Answers: 1. five pieces of bread 2. two bottles of milk 3. six boxes of eggs. 4. eleven cups of tea 5. twenty baskets of apples 6. ten bottles of water 7. two hundred and fifty bags of rice or 250 bags of rice

4. Ex.4  Do it in class.

Answers: 1. some, a 2. some, a 3. a, an 4. some, a 5. some, a 6. an, some

5. Ex. 5  Do it in class.

Answers: 1. Would you like something to drink? 2. What would you like? 3. Would you like something to eat? 4. What about you? 5. How many would you like? 6. Anything else?

Step 11  Summary


Step 12 Homework



Writing on blackboard

Lesson 76

1. some: some cakes, some bread

a/ an: a cup of tea, an orange

2. How many…?


活动 (一)



语言技能:listening, speaking and writing

使用功能句:What would you usually like for breakfast / lunch / supper?

Do you like to eat vegetables and fruit? What drink do you like best?


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标签: 暂无联系方式 初一英语教案
